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[英]Java: find sum of 2d array of numbers

Ok, so this sounds simple. 好的,这听起来很简单。 but its been playing with my head for a little while now. 但是它已经在我头上玩了一段时间了。

I need to create a method which finds the sum of a 2d array of integers. 我需要创建一个方法来查找2d整数数组的总和。

I need to create the method: 我需要创建方法:

public static int sum(int[][] array) 

this is what i done so far: 这是我到目前为止所做的:

public static int sum(int[][] array){
int sum1 = 0;
    for (int i : array)
        sum1 += i;

    return sum1;

But I'm getting an error 'incompatible types required int[] found int.' 但是我收到一个错误消息'incompatible types required int[] found int.' .
Anyone that can help me complete this challenge? 有谁可以帮助我完成这项挑战?

Thanks. 谢谢。 Edit: an example array would be: 编辑:一个示例数组将是:

3 -1  4  0
5  9 -2  6 
5  3  7 -8

for now they will always be of this format (4x3). 目前,它们将始终采用这种格式(4x3)。

Since array is 2 dimensional, you cannot specify int i: array in the for loop. 由于array是二维的,因此无法在for循环中指定int i: array Modify your code like this: 像这样修改您的代码:

public static int sum(int[][]array){
int sum1 = 0;
for (int[] arr : array)
    for(int i: arr)

return sum1;

EDIT : 编辑
To store sum of each row, make use of an integer array. 要存储每一行​​的总和,请使用整数数组。

public static int[] sum(int[][]array){
int sum = 0;
int sumOfRow[] = new int[array.length];
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){
    for(int num: array[i]){
    sumOfRow[i] = sum;

return sumOfRow;

Your array declared as int[][] , which really means an array of int[] . 您的array声明为int[][] ,这实际上意味着一个int[]数组。 That is, elements of array have type int[] , which are themselves arrays (this is why array is a "2D" array). 也就是说, array元素具有int[]类型,它们本身就是数组(这就是为什么array是“ 2D”数组)的原因。 When you write a for-each loop, make sure that your types match up: 在编写for-each循环时,请确保您的类型匹配:

for (int[] innerArray : array) {
    // do things with innerArray, which is a 1D int[]

The full solution looks like this: 完整的解决方案如下所示:

public static int sum(int[][] array) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int[] innerArray : array)
        for (int i : innerArray)
            sum += i;
    return sum;

The logic inside the method should be: 方法内部的逻辑应为:

for (int[] i : array)
   for(int num : i)

i is a type int[] not an int . iint[]类型,而不是int The second loop is to enumerate over the array i enabling us to access the numbers in there and add it to the sum1 variable. 第二个循环是枚举数组i使我们能够访问其中的数字并将其添加到sum1变量中。

Further, as of Java-8, you can accomplish the task at hand as follows: 此外,从Java-8开始,您可以完成以下任务:

public static int sum(int[][]array){
      return  Arrays.stream(array)

You can not + an array directly, see jls : 您不能直接+数组,请参见jls

If the type of either operand of a + operator is String , then the operation is string concatenation. 如果+运算符的任何一个操作数的类型为String ,则该操作为字符串连接。

Otherwise, the type of each of the operands of the + operator must be a type that is convertible (§5.1.8) to a primitive numeric type , or a compile-time error occurs. 否则,+运算符的每个操作数的类型必须是可转换(第5.1.8节)为原始数字类型的类型 ,否则会发生编译时错误。

So, if none of the operands is String , the additive operator is only appliable for: 因此,如果所有操作数都不是String ,则加法运算符仅适用于:

  • Byte, byte 字节,字节
  • Short, short 简短,简短
  • Character, char 字符,字符
  • Integer, int 整数,整数
  • Long, long 好久好久
  • Float, float 浮,浮
  • Double, double 双倍


You can achieve this by nested loops: 您可以通过嵌套循环来实现:

public static int sum2D(int[][] matrix){
    int sum = 0;
    for (int[] array : matrix) {
        for (int element : array) {
            sum += element;
    return sum;

or create another method to calculate the sum of 1D array: 或创建另一种方法来计算一维数组的总和:

public static int sum2D(int[][] matrix){
    int sum = 0;
    for (int[] array : matrix)
        sum += sum1D(array);
    return sum;

public static int sum1D(int[] array){
    int sum = 0;
    for (int number : array)
        sum += number;
    return sum;

The canonical way of doing this would be to just use two nested loops, each of which covers one dimension of your two dimensional array: 做到这一点的规范方法是只使用两个嵌套循环,每个嵌套循环都覆盖二维数组的一个维度:

for (int r=0; r < array.length; ++r) {
    for (int c=0; c < array[r].length; ++c) {
        sum += array[r][c];

Demo 演示

public static int sum(int[][] array) 
int sum1 = 0;
for (int row=0; row < array.length; ++row)
    for(int col=0; col<array[row].length; ++col)
        sum1 = sum1 + array[row][col];
  } return sum1;

more information can be found here: Finding the sum of the values in a 2D Array in C# 在这里可以找到更多信息: 在C#中查找2D数组中值的总和

logic is still sound 逻辑仍然合理

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