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[英]Reverse coding the output for reliability analysis using psych package in R

I am performing the reliability analysis of a psychometric scale which measures user engagement during a video game play. 我正在对心理量表进行可靠性分析,该量表用于衡量视频游戏过程中的用户参与度。 The scale has 28 questions, out of which the ones highlighted in yellow in the screenshot below will need to be reverse coded in the output (since they are opposite to what the scale purports to measure). 该秤包含28个问题,其中以下屏幕截图中以黄色突出显示的问题需要在输出中进行反向编码(因为它们与该秤的意图相反)。 在此处输入图片说明

GES <- read_excel("CAGE Datadump Copy.xlsx")
GESpreEngagement <- GES[,11:38] #these 28 columns contains the response to 28 questions from survey
GESpreEngagementReverseCOded <- GESpreEngagement

# data in column 9 through 16 needs to be reverse coded, corresponding to the questions highlighted in the screenshot
GESpreEngagementReverseCOded[,c(9:16)] = 5-GESpreEngagement[,c(9:16)]

#calculate the cronbach's alpha value
psych::alpha(GESpreEngagementReverseCOded, check.keys = TRUE)

This codes is leading to the following output with a warning message(with or without check.keys=TRUE): 此代码导致带有警告消息的以下输出(带有或不带有check.keys = TRUE):

In psych::alpha(GESpreEngagementReverseCOded, check.keys = TRUE) : 在psych :: alpha(GESpreEngagementReverseCOded,check.keys = TRUE)中:
Some items were negatively correlated with total scale and were automatically reversed. 有些项目与总规模负相关,并且会自动冲销。 This is indicated by a negative sign for the variable name. 这用变量名的负号表示。


However, there is no such warning if I do not reverse code the output, ie if I just run psych::alpha(GESpreEngagement) . 但是,如果不对输出进行反向编码(即,如果我只是运行psych::alpha(GESpreEngagement) ,则不会出现此类警告。 The question is, it seems logical to reverse code the output, but R is telling me to do otherwise. 问题是,对输出进行反向编码似乎合乎逻辑,但是R告诉我要这样做。 What should I do in this case? 在这种情况下我该怎么办?

I also ran into this issue recently and it was driving me crazy. 最近我也遇到了这个问题,这让我发疯。 In my case I later found out that the raw data was already reverse-coded before I imported it, which is why reversing them again gave me this warning. 以我为例,后来我发现原始数据在导入之前已经被反向编码了,这就是为什么再次反转它们会给我这个警告的原因。 This is pretty late but hope it's been sorted out! 这已经很晚了,但希望它已经解决了!

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