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[英]nothing happens when executing python code(Eigenface)

I'm new in Image-processing field and using Opencv library.Blow is a code for face recognition using Eigenface Algorithm in Python(data set included in the blow link). 我是图像处理领域的新手,并且使用Opencv库.Blow是使用Python中的Eigenface算法(打击链接中包含的数据集)进行人脸识别的代码。 I have problem with getting result of executing Eigenface code from learnopencv , here is all i got when i run Eigenface.py 我对从learningopencv获取执行Eigenface代码的结果有问题,这是我运行Eigenface.py时得到的全部

Reading images from F:\\learnopencv-master\\EigenFace\\images... 从F:\\ learnopencv-master \\ EigenFace \\ images中读取图像...

I'm using : 我正在使用 :

winpython- winpython-

Any idea will be helpful...! 任何想法都会有所帮助...! Thank you 谢谢

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np

# Create data matrix from a list of images
def createDataMatrix(images):
    print("Creating data matrix",end=" ... ")
    Allocate space for all images in one data matrix.
  The size of the data matrix is

  ( w  * h  * 3, numImages )


  w = width of an image in the dataset.
  h = height of an image in the dataset.
  3 is for the 3 color channels.

    numImages = len(images)
    sz = images[0].shape
    data = np.zeros((numImages, sz[0] * sz[1] * sz[2]), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in xrange(0, numImages):
        image = images[i].flatten()
        data[i,:] = image

    return data

# Read images from the directory
def readImages(path):
  print("Reading images from " + path, end="...")
  # Create array of array of images.
  images = []
  # List all files in the directory and read points from text files one by one
  for filePath in sorted(os.listdir(path)):
    fileExt = os.path.splitext(filePath)[1]
    if fileExt in [".jpg", ".jpeg"]:

      # Add to array of images
      imagePath = os.path.join(path, filePath)
      im = cv2.imread(imagePath)

      if im is None :
        print("image:{} not read properly".format(imagePath))
      else :
          # Convert image to floating point
          im = np.float32(im)/255.0
          # Add image to list
          # Flip image 
          imFlip = cv2.flip(im, 1);
          # Append flipped image

  numImages = len(images) / 2
  # Exit if no image found
  if numImages == 0 : print("No images found") 

  print(str(numImages) + " files read.")
  return images

# Add the weighted eigen faces to the mean face 
def createNewFace(*args):
    # Start with the mean image
    output = averageFace

    # Add the eigen faces with the weights
    for i in xrange(0, NUM_EIGEN_FACES):
        OpenCV does not allow slider values to be negative. 
        So we use weight = sliderValue - MAX_SLIDER_VALUE / 2
        sliderValues[i] = cv2.getTrackbarPos("Weight" + str(i), "Trackbars");
        weight = sliderValues[i] - MAX_SLIDER_VALUE/2
        output = np.add(output, eigenFaces[i] * weight)

    # Display Result at 2x size
    output = cv2.resize(output, (0,0), fx=2, fy=2)
    cv2.imshow("Result", output)

def resetSliderValues(*args):
    for i in xrange(0, NUM_EIGEN_FACES):
        cv2.setTrackbarPos("Weight" + str(i), "Trackbars", MAX_SLIDER_VALUE/2); 

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Number of EigenFaces

    # Maximum weight

    # Directory containing images
    dirName = "F:\learnopencv-master\EigenFace\images"

    # Read images
    images = readImages(dirName)

    # Size of images
    sz = images[0].shape

    # Create data matrix for PCA.
    data = createDataMatrix(images)

    # Compute the eigenvectors from the stack of images created
    print("Calculating PCA ", end="...")
    mean, eigenVectors = cv2.PCACompute(data, mean=None, maxComponents=NUM_EIGEN_FACES)
    print ("DONE")

    averageFace = mean.reshape(sz)

    eigenFaces = []; 

    for eigenVector in eigenVectors:
        eigenFace = eigenVector.reshape(sz)

    # Create window for displaying Mean Face
    cv2.namedWindow("Result", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)

    # Display result at 2x size
    output = cv2.resize(averageFace, (0,0), fx=2, fy=2)
    cv2.imshow("Result", output)

    # Create Window for trackbars
    cv2.namedWindow("Trackbars", cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)

    sliderValues = []

    # Create Trackbars
    for i in xrange(0, NUM_EIGEN_FACES):
        cv2.createTrackbar( "Weight" + str(i), "Trackbars", MAX_SLIDER_VALUE/2, MAX_SLIDER_VALUE, createNewFace)

    # You can reset the sliders by clicking on the mean image.
    cv2.setMouseCallback("Result", resetSliderValues);

    Change the weights using the sliders
    Click on the result window to reset sliders
    Hit ESC to terminate program.''')


Your example exits silently because you have sys.exit(0) in your function readImages, which executes unconditionally. 您的示例无提示退出,因为函数readImages中有sys.exit(0) ,该函数无条件执行。

So instead of: 所以代替:

  if numImages == 0 : print("No images found") 

It should be: 它应该是:

  if numImages == 0 :
      print("No images found")

This is correct on GitHub . 在GitHub上正确的

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