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Java Spark如何保存JavaPairRDD <HashSet<String> ,HashMap <String, Double> &gt;归档?

[英]Java Spark how to save a JavaPairRDD<HashSet<String>, HashMap<String, Double>> to file?

I got this " JavaPairRDD<HashSet<String>, HashMap<String, Double>> " RDD after some complicated aggregations, want to save the result to file. 经过一些复杂的聚合后,我得到了这个“ JavaPairRDD<HashSet<String>, HashMap<String, Double>> ” RDD,想将结果保存到文件中。 I believe saveAsHadoopFile is a good API to do so, but am having trouble filling in the parameters for saveAsHadoopFile(path, keyClass, valueClass, outputFormatClass, CompressionCodec) . 我相信saveAsHadoopFile是这样做的一个不错的API,但是在为saveAsHadoopFile(path, keyClass, valueClass, outputFormatClass, CompressionCodec)填写参数时遇到了麻烦。 Can anyone help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

You can use the following function and later on parse it to the desired result. 您可以使用以下函数,稍后再将其解析为所需的结果。

rdd.saveAsTextFile ("hdfs:///complete_path_to_hdfs_file/");

but if you want to use saveAsHadoopFile API then following method can be used. 但是,如果要使用saveAsHadoopFile API,则可以使用以下方法。

saveAsHadoopFile(complete_path_to_file, HashSet.class, HashMap.class, TextOutputFormat.class)

you can also use HadoopOutputFormat.class as the last parameter 您还可以使用HadoopOutputFormat.class作为最后一个参数

For more information, you can refer to this link HadoopFile 有关更多信息,您可以参考此链接HadoopFile。

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