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[英]Type hint a subclass of list

I use a class which subclasses the built-in list. 我使用一个子类内置列表的类。

class Qry(list):
    """Stores a list indexable by attributes."""

    def filter(self, **kwargs):
        """Returns the items in Qry that has matching attributes.

            obj.filter(portfolio='123', account='ABC').

        values = tuple(kwargs.values())

        def is_match(item):
            if tuple(getattr(item, y) for y in kwargs.keys()) == values:
                return True
                return False

        result = Qry([x for x in self if is_match(x)], keys=self._keys)

        return result

Now I want to type hint: 现在我要输入提示:

class C:
    a = 1

def foo(qry: Qry[C]):
    """Do stuff here."""

How do you type hint a custom container class in python 3.5+? 如何在python 3.5+中键入提示自定义容器类?

You can do this rather easily: 你可以很容易地做到这一点:

from typing import TypeVar, List
T = TypeVar('T')
class MyList(List[T]): # note the upper case

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