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[英]Whats changes are needed when change the run enviroment of SWF game?

I want to change the runing enviroment of a Flash game from Web to Desktop(Windows). 我想将Flash游戏的运行环境从Web更改为Desktop(Windows)。 The game sends and receives to a backend server. 游戏将发送和接收到后端服务器。 As it is now it calls like : var varURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("../../index.php"); 现在,它像这样调用:var varURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“ ../../ index.php”);

Running from a Windows App, it should be changed to the complete URL? 从Windows App运行时,应将其更改为完整的URL吗?

It should be changed to the fully-qualified URL where your script resides on your server; 应该将其更改为脚本驻留在服务器上的标准URL。 eg 例如

var varURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("https://example.com/game-directory/index.php");

Note that you may well need to check the cross-domain policy on the website where your scripts are hosted, and consider the transport protocols used, as some OSs may not allow it. 请注意,您可能需要检查托管脚本的网站上的跨域策略 ,并考虑使用的传输协议 ,因为某些操作系统可能不允许这样做。

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