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[英]Angular5 - How to pass ASYNC data from parent to child component

When I try to pass ASYNC data from parent to child component, I'm getting undefined message. 当我尝试将ASYNC数据从父组件传递到子组件时,出现了未定义的消息。

Because of ASYNC data, I suppose data coming from parent is not yet bound at OnInit. 由于存在ASYNC数据,我想来自父对象的数据尚未绑定到OnInit。

In parent.component.html : 在parent.component.html中:

<my-child [childdata]="parentdata"></my-child>

In parent.component.ts : 在parent.component.ts中:

interface SpotBB {
    id: number;
    name: string;
export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
  parentdata: Observable<SpotBB[]>;
  ngOnInit() {
    this.parentdata = this.spotsservice.getSpots();
    // Call a service - Data stored in Firestore

In child.component.html : 在child.component.html中:

<button (click)="mycheck()">TEST</button>
<div *ngFor="let spot of childdata | async" >    
    {{ spot.id }} --- {{ spot.name }}     <!-- Works fine -->

In child.component.ts : 在child.component.ts中:

interface SpotBB {
    id: number;
    name: string;
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() childdata: Observable<SpotBB[]>;
  copydata: Observable<SpotBB[]>;
  mycheck() {
    alert(JSON.stringify(this.copydata));   // --> !!! undefined !!!
  ngOnInit() {
    this.copydata = this.childdata;  // COPY DATA NOT WORKING

You can implement several options to get it wokring: 您可以实现几个选项以使其正常运行:

1. Listen for changing @Input in your child component using ngOnChanges : 1.使用ngOnChanges监听子组件中的ngOnChanges

// child component
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() childdata;
  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
    // on loading you can access childdata

2. Using set in child component for childdata : 2.使用set在子组件childdata

// child component
export class ChildComponent implements OnInit {
  private _childdata;
  @Input() set childdata(value) {
    this._childdata = value;

  // get method for childdata (for *nfFor in template)
  get childdata() {
    return this._childdata;

3. Make child component available (if it is acceptable) only after parentdata will be available: 3.仅在parentdata可用之后, parentdata使子组件可用(如果可以接受):

parent component html: 父组件html:

<my-child *ngIf="parentDataLoaded" [childdata]="parentdata"></my-child>

In parent.component.ts : 在parent.component.ts中:

interface SpotBB {
  id: number;
  name: string;
export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
  parentdata: Observable<SpotBB[]>;
  parentDataLoaded: false;
  ngOnInit() {
      .subscribe(res => {
         // here is your successful results
         this.parentdata = res;
         this.parentDataLoaded = true;

For all options, I'm guessing to subscribe to getSpots , receive parentdata in your parent component and assign to this.parentdata : 对于所有选项,我getSpots订阅getSpots ,在父组件中接收parentdata并分配给this.parentdata

// parent component
ngOnInit() {
    .subscribe(res => {
      // here is your successful results
      this.parentdata = res;

 // child component html
 // *ngIf needs only if listening for changing
 // of childdata in child component
 <div *ngIf="childdata">
   <div *ngFor="let spot of childdata" >    
    {{ spot.id }} --- {{ spot.name }}     <!-- Works fine -->

Instead of @Input() childData to @Input() set childData will work. 代替将@Input() childData @Input() set childData@Input() set childData This will get the childData to be refreshed on change . 这将使childData 在更改时 刷新

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