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[英]How to pass data on click in angular 5 from parent component to child component?

I want to pass data on button click of parent component to child component and render child component as a separate page in angular 5 instead of rendering child component in parent's template. 我想将父组件的按钮单击时的数据传递给子组件,并在角度5中将子组件渲染为单独的页面,而不是在父模板中渲染子组件。

Suppose, My child component is 'AstronautComponent' and when I add , 假设我的子组件是“ AstronautComponent”,当我添加时,

<app-astronaut *ngFor="let astronaut of astronauts"
</app-astronaut >

this in parent template it is showing child template on same page instead of separate page.Actually I am able to get data from parent to child but on same parent template.I am using @Input annotation with service(as Observable). 这在父模板中显示在同一页面而不是单独的页面上的子模板。实际上,我能够从父到子获取数据,但在同一父模板上。我在服务中使用@Input批注(作为Observable)。

Kindly Help. 请帮助。

Thanks 谢谢

You can use the router to open child component in new page like: 您可以使用router在新页面中打开子组件,例如:

<a routerLink="/your_link">click here to open child component</a>

and define its path in 并在其中定义其路径

app.module.ts to open child component like: app.module.ts打开子组件,如:

{ path: 'your _link', component: child_component }

render child component as a separate page? 将子组件呈现为单独的页面?

Then there is no parent child relationship 那就没有亲子关系

Have a parent component with router outlet 有一个带有路由器插座的父组件

Parent.html Parent.html


define routes for your 2 components with data 用数据定义2个组件的路线

{ path: 'your _link', component: child_component, data: { ... any data } } {路径:“您的_link”,组件:child_component,数据:{...任何数据}}

while navigating from component1 to component2 pass the data 从component1导航到component2时传递数据

https://stackoverflow.com/a/36835156/2742156 https://stackoverflow.com/a/36835156/2742156

You can possibly setup Angular routing defining your routes separately for both parent and astronaut . 您可以设置Angular路由,分别parentastronaut定义路线。 Please note these do not have any parent / child relationship anymore. 请注意,这些不再有任何父母/子女关系。

Once you have the data, you may store it in localStorage and navigate / open new tab using 拥有数据后,您可以将其存储在localStorage中,并使用以下方法导航/打开新标签页

window.open('', '_blank');

The above statement will render another Angular application in the second tab with the astronaut component rendered. 上面的语句将在第二个选项卡中呈现另一个Angular应用程序,并呈现宇航员组件。 At this point of time in ngOnInit() , you may check the localStorage for the desired data, and if one is present, you can simply access it and show it in HTML as desired. 此时,您可以在ngOnInit()检查localStorage是否有所需的数据,如果存在,则可以直接访问它并根据需要以HTML显示。 This way, you no longer need an @Input() property. 这样,您不再需要@Input()属性。

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