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在“,”字符上拆分 2D NumPy 字符串数组

[英]Split 2D NumPy array of strings on “,” character

I have a 2D NumPy of strings array like: a = array([['1,2,3'], ['3,4,5']], dtype=object) and I would like to convert it into a 2D Numpy array like this: a = array([['1','2','3'], ['4','5','6']]) .我有一个 2D NumPy 字符串数组,例如: a = array([['1,2,3'], ['3,4,5']], dtype=object)我想将它转换为 2D像这样的 Numpy 数组: a = array([['1','2','3'], ['4','5','6']]) I would then like to also convert the strings to floats, so the final array would look like this: a = array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) .然后,我还想将字符串转换为浮点数,因此最终数组将如下所示: a = array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) Any help is greatly appreciated.任何帮助是极大的赞赏。

Since it's an object array, we might as well iterate and use plain python split:由于它是一个对象数组,我们不妨迭代并使用普通的python拆分:

In [118]: a = np.array([['1,2,3'], ['3,4,5']], dtype=object)
In [119]: a.shape
Out[119]: (2, 1)
In [120]: np.array([x.split(',') for x in a.ravel()])
array([['1', '2', '3'],
       ['3', '4', '5']], dtype='<U1')
In [122]: np.array([x.split(',') for x in a.ravel()],dtype=float)
array([[1., 2., 3.],
       [3., 4., 5.]])

I raveled it to simplify iteration.我用它来简化迭代。 Plus the result doesn't need that 2nd size 1 dimension.此外,结果不需要第二个尺寸 1 维。

There is a np.char function that applies split to elements of an array, but the result is messier:有一个np.char函数将split应用于数组的元素,但结果更混乱:

In [129]: a.astype(str)
       ['3,4,5']], dtype='<U5')
In [130]: np.char.split(_, sep=',')
array([[list(['1', '2', '3'])],
       [list(['3', '4', '5'])]], dtype=object)
In [138]: np.stack(Out[130].ravel()).astype(float)
array([[1., 2., 3.],
       [3., 4., 5.]])

Another way:其它的办法:

In [132]: f = np.frompyfunc(lambda astr: np.array(astr.split(','),float),1,1)
In [133]: f(a)
array([[array([1., 2., 3.])],
       [array([3., 4., 5.])]], dtype=object)
In [136]: np.stack(_.ravel())
array([[1., 2., 3.],
       [3., 4., 5.]])

Iterate through rows and use split(',') to split each row at the commas, and put the result in a new numpy array with a numeric data type:遍历行并使用split(',')在逗号处拆分每一行,并将结果放入具有数字数据类型的新 numpy 数组中:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([['1,2,3'], ['3,4,5']])
b = np.array([x[0].split(',') for x in a], dtype=np.float32)

#[[ 1.  2.  3.]
# [ 3.  4.  5.]]                                          

I would like to propose this if you don't mind having them as a vector如果您不介意将它们作为载体,我想提出这个建议

np.array([["asa,asd"], ["dasd,asdaf,asfasf"]], dtype=object)
      ['dasd,asdaf,asfasf']], dtype=object)
np.concatenate(np.char.split(Out[31].astype(str), ",").ravel())
Out[32]: array(['asa', 'asd', 'dasd', 'asdaf', 'asfasf'], dtype='<U6')

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