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React Native:以不同的分辨率测试应用

[英]React Native: Test app in different resolutions

What I am doing now is closing and opening different instances of Android Emulator to see how it works in X resolution . 我现在要做的是关闭和打开Android Emulator的不同实例,以了解它在X分辨率下的工作方式

Is there a smarter way? 有没有更聪明的方法?

If your react-native app has a single root react-native-layout-tester is what you are looking for! 如果您的react-native应用程序只有一个根,那么您正在寻找的是react-native-layout-tester

The setup is fairly straightforward and you will have to run it on the biggest device possible (a tablet) 设置非常简单,您将不得不在最大的设备(平板电脑)上运行

 render() { return ( <LayoutTester> // here <Provider store={ store }> <Router initialRoute={ this._initialRoute } ref={ this._setRouter } /> </Provider> </LayoutTester> ); } 

In case your app navigation is handled via react-native-navigation , then the setup will be a little complex and you wont be able test the Navbar. 如果您的应用导航是通过react-native-navigation ,则设置会有些复杂,您将无法测试Navbar。

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