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[英]Python-Pam Errors out- SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I am working on Python 3 and tried installing pam, which was successful. 我正在使用Python 3并尝试安装pam,成功了。 It installed the pam-0.1.4 version. 它安装了pam-0.1.4版本。

C:\Users\anjan>pip install pam
Collecting pam
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d6/cb/73c7725f4c7ee14205d85c6777a44f9b33e51d31fd5fc1bb0aa7f35cf8d2/pam-0.1.4.tar.gz
Building wheels for collected packages: pam
  Running setup.py bdist_wheel for pam ... done
  Stored in directory: C:\Users\anjan\AppData\Local\pip\Cache\wheels\24\8d\30\48fca5978b858d699565ee0cde875798229022bbb4e86e8b43
Successfully built pam
Installing collected packages: pam
Successfully installed pam-0.1.4

Next when I try to import pam it throws out the following syntax error. 接下来,当我尝试导入pam时,它将引发以下语法错误。 Looks like the pam.py file is still on Python2.x. 看起来pam.py文件仍在Python2.x上。

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? 有谁知道如何解决这个问题?

    >>> import pam
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\anjan\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pam.py", line 129
    print authenticate(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The pam.py file looks like as shown below. pam.py文件如下所示。

# (c) 2007 Chris AtLee <chris@atlee.ca>
# Licensed under the MIT license:
# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
PAM module for python

Provides an authenticate function that will allow the caller to authenticate
a user against the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) on the system.

Implemented using ctypes, so no compilation is necessary.
__all__ = ['authenticate']

from ctypes import CDLL, POINTER, Structure, CFUNCTYPE, cast, pointer, sizeof
from ctypes import c_void_p, c_uint, c_char_p, c_char, c_int
from ctypes.util import find_library

LIBPAM = CDLL(find_library("pam"))
LIBC = CDLL(find_library("c"))

CALLOC = LIBC.calloc
CALLOC.restype = c_void_p
CALLOC.argtypes = [c_uint, c_uint]

STRDUP = LIBC.strdup
STRDUP.argstypes = [c_char_p]
STRDUP.restype = POINTER(c_char) # NOT c_char_p !!!!

# Various constants

class PamHandle(Structure):
    """wrapper class for pam_handle_t"""
    _fields_ = [
            ("handle", c_void_p)

    def __init__(self):
        self.handle = 0

class PamMessage(Structure):
    """wrapper class for pam_message structure"""
    _fields_ = [
            ("msg_style", c_int),
            ("msg", POINTER(c_char)),

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<PamMessage %i '%s'>" % (self.msg_style, self.msg)

class PamResponse(Structure):
    """wrapper class for pam_response structure"""
    _fields_ = [
            ("resp", POINTER(c_char)),
            ("resp_retcode", c_int),

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<PamResponse %i '%s'>" % (self.resp_retcode, self.resp)

        c_int, POINTER(POINTER(PamMessage)),
               POINTER(POINTER(PamResponse)), c_void_p)

class PamConv(Structure):
    """wrapper class for pam_conv structure"""
    _fields_ = [
            ("conv", CONV_FUNC),
            ("appdata_ptr", c_void_p)

PAM_START = LIBPAM.pam_start
PAM_START.restype = c_int
PAM_START.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(PamConv),

PAM_END = LIBPAM.pam_end
PAM_END.restpe = c_int
PAM_END.argtypes = [PamHandle, c_int]

PAM_AUTHENTICATE = LIBPAM.pam_authenticate
PAM_AUTHENTICATE.restype = c_int
PAM_AUTHENTICATE.argtypes = [PamHandle, c_int]

def authenticate(username, password, service='login'):
    """Returns True if the given username and password authenticate for the
    given service.  Returns False otherwise

    ``username``: the username to authenticate

    ``password``: the password in plain text

    ``service``: the PAM service to authenticate against.
                 Defaults to 'login'"""
    def my_conv(n_messages, messages, p_response, app_data):
        """Simple conversation function that responds to any
        prompt where the echo is off with the supplied password"""
        # Create an array of n_messages response objects
        addr = CALLOC(n_messages, sizeof(PamResponse))
        p_response[0] = cast(addr, POINTER(PamResponse))
        for i in range(n_messages):
            if messages[i].contents.msg_style == PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF:
                pw_copy = STRDUP(str(password))
                p_response.contents[i].resp = pw_copy
                p_response.contents[i].resp_retcode = 0
        return 0

    handle = PamHandle()
    conv = PamConv(my_conv, 0)
    retval = PAM_START(service, username, pointer(conv), pointer(handle))

    if retval != 0:
        # TODO: This is not an authentication error, something
        # has gone wrong starting up PAM
        PAM_END(handle, retval)
        return False

    retval = PAM_AUTHENTICATE(handle, 0)
    e = PAM_END(handle, retval)
    return retval == 0 and e == 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import getpass
    print authenticate(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass())

print is a function in Python 3. print是Python 3中的函数。

Change it to 更改为

print(authenticate(getpass.getuser(), getpass.getpass()))
#    ^ Note the braces that make it a function call

The way you have it written is valid only in Python 2. 编写方式仅在Python 2中有效。

Pam 0.1.4 is for python2, hence the error. Pam 0.1.4适用于python2,因此出现错误。 There is a pam available for python3 , but it is called as simplepam -0.1.5 . python3有一个pam可用,但被称为simplepam -0.1.5。 I guess this should be a probable fix for my question. 我想这应该是我的问题的可能解决方案。 [link] (pypi.org/project/simplepam) [link](pypi.org/project/simplepam)

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