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Bot Framework会破坏对话状态

[英]Bot Framework messes up dialog state

I'm currently making a chatbot with Microsoft's Bot Framework. 我目前正在与微软的Bot Framework进行聊天机器人。 In my flow I have a final dialog that lets the user know, that they are participating in the competition. 在我的流程中,我有一个最终对话框,让用户知道他们正在参加比赛。 There is also an error-handling method for unknown input. 对于未知输入,还有一种错误处理方法。 The two methods are seen here: 这里有两种方法:

public class ConcertCityDialog : AbstractBasicDialog<DialogResult>
    private static FacebookService FacebookService => new FacebookService(new FacebookClient());

    public async Task ConcertCityIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        var fbAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(context.Activity.From.Id);

        var selectedCityName = result.Entities.FirstOrDefault()?.Entity;

        concert_city selectedCity;
        using (var concertCityService = new ConcertCityService())
            selectedCity = concertCityService.FindConcertCity(selectedCityName);

        if (selectedCity == null)
            await NoneIntent(context, result);

        user_interaction latestInteraction;
        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            var user = userService.FindByFacebookIdIncludeInteractions(context.Activity.From.Id);
            latestInteraction = user.user_interaction.MaxBy(e => e.created_at);

        latestInteraction.preferred_city_id = selectedCity.id;
        latestInteraction.gif_created = true;

        using (var userInteractionService = new UserInteractionService())

        var shareIntroReply = context.MakeMessage();
        shareIntroReply.Text = "Great choice! You are now participating in the competition. If you dare then pass your message \uD83D\uDE0E";

        await context.PostAsync(shareIntroReply);

        var reply = await MessageUtility.MakeShareMessageCard(context, fbAccount, latestInteraction, false);

        await context.PostAsync(reply);


    public async Task NoneIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        messenger_user user;
        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);

        var phrase = CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(user, result.Query);

        using (var misunderstoodPhraseService = new MisunderstoodPhraseService())

        List<concert_city> concertCities;
        using (var concertCityService = new ConcertCityService())
            concertCities = concertCityService.GetUpcomingConcertCities().ToList();

        // Prompt city
        var reply = context.MakeMessage();
        reply.Text = "I'm not sure what you mean \uD83E\uDD14<br/>Which Grøn Koncert would you like to attend?";

        reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
            Actions = concertCities.Select(e => MessageUtility.MakeQuickAnswer(e.name)).ToList()

        await context.PostAsync(reply);


    protected override void OnDeserializedCustom(StreamingContext context)

And here is the AbstractBasicDialog implementation: 这是AbstractBasicDialog实现:

public abstract class AbstractBasicDialog<T> : LuisDialog<T>
    protected AbstractBasicDialog() : base(new LuisService(new LuisModelAttribute(
        domain: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LuisAPIHostName"])))

    public virtual async Task CancelIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        var randomQuotes = new List<string>
            "If you say so, I'll leave you alone for now",
            "alright then, I'll leave you alone",
            "Okay then, I won't bother you anymore"

        await context.PostAsync(MessageUtility.RandAnswer(randomQuotes));


    public virtual async Task StartIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)

    public async Task CustomerSupportIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
            if (user != null)
                user.receiving_support = true;

        await context.PostAsync("I'll let customer service know, that you want to talk to them. They will get back to you within 24 hours.<br/>If at any time you want to return to me, and start passing a message, just type \"Stop customer support\".");

        context.Call(new CustomerSupportDialog(), ResumeAfterCustomerSupport);

    private async Task ResumeAfterCustomerSupport(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<DialogResult> result)
        context.Done(await result);

    protected misunderstood_phrase CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(messenger_user user, string phrase)
        return new misunderstood_phrase
            phrase = phrase,
            dialog = GetType().Name,
            messenger_user_id = user.id

    private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context)

    protected abstract void OnDeserializedCustom(StreamingContext context);

The call chain starts at this dialog: 调用链从此对话框开始:

public class BasicLuisDialog : LuisDialog<DialogResult>
    private static FacebookService FacebookService => new FacebookService(new FacebookClient());

    public BasicLuisDialog() : base(new LuisService(new LuisModelAttribute(
        domain: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LuisAPIHostName"])))

    public async Task NoneIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        var facebookAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(context.Activity.From.Id);

        RegisterUser(facebookAccount, null, out var user);

        var phrase = CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(user, result.Query);
        using (var misunderstoodPhraseService = new MisunderstoodPhraseService())

        var reply = context.MakeMessage();
        reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
            Actions = new List<CardAction>
                new CardAction { Title = "Get started", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "Get started" },
                new CardAction { Title = "Customer support", Type = ActionTypes.ImBack, Value = "Customer support" }

        var name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(facebookAccount.FirstName) ? "" : $"{facebookAccount.FirstName} ";
        reply.Text = $"Hm, I'm not sure what you mean {name} \uD83E\uDD14 Here are some ways you can interact with me:";

        await context.PostAsync(reply);

    public async Task GreetingIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        var rnd = new Random();
        var facebookAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(context.Activity.From.Id);

        // Initial Greeting
        var greetings = new List<string>
            "Well hello there",
            "Hi there"

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(facebookAccount.FirstName))
            greetings.Add("Hi {0}");
            greetings.Add("Hello {0}");
            greetings.Add("Welcome {0}");

        if (facebookAccount.Gender == "male")
            greetings.Add("Hey handsome");
        else if (facebookAccount.Gender == "female")
            greetings.Add("Hi gorgeous");

        var randIndex = rnd.Next(greetings.Count);

        var greeting = string.Format(greetings[randIndex], facebookAccount.FirstName);

        await context.PostAsync(greeting);

        await MessageUtility.StartTyping(context, 300);

        country country;
        using (var countryService = new CountryService())
            country = countryService.FindCountry(facebookAccount.Locale);
        var userHasCountry = RegisterUser(facebookAccount, country, out var user);

        // If user contry not found prompt for answer
        if (!userHasCountry)
            var countryReply = context.MakeMessage();
            countryReply.Text = "You are hard to keep track of - where are you from?";
            countryReply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
                Actions = new List<CardAction>

            await context.PostAsync(countryReply);

            context.Call(new CountryDialog(), AfterCountryDialog);
            await FunPrompt(context, country);

    private async Task AfterCountryDialog(IDialogContext countryContext, IAwaitable<country> countryAwaitable)
        var country = await countryAwaitable;

        var facebookAccount = await FacebookService.GetAccountAsync(countryContext.Activity.From.Id);

        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(facebookAccount.Id);

            user.country = country;

        var reply = countryContext.MakeMessage();
        reply.Text = "That's cool \uD83D\uDE0E";

        await countryContext.PostAsync(reply);

        await MessageUtility.StartTyping(countryContext, 350);

        await FunPrompt(countryContext, country);

    private async Task FunPrompt(IDialogContext context, country country)
        if (country?.name == "norway" && DateTime.Now < new DateTime(2018, 8, 13))
            var reply = context.MakeMessage();
            reply.Text = "Unfortunately the competition isn't open in Norway yet. You can still talk to customer support if you want to";
            reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
                Actions = new List<CardAction>
                    MessageUtility.MakeQuickAnswer("Customer support")

            await context.PostAsync(reply);

        else if ((country?.name == "denmark" && DateTime.Now >= new DateTime(2018, 7, 29)) ||
                 (country?.name == "norway" && DateTime.Now >= new DateTime(2018, 10, 21)))
            var reply = context.MakeMessage();
            reply.Text = "The competition has ended. You can still talk to customer support if you want to";
            reply.SuggestedActions = new SuggestedActions
                Actions = new List<CardAction>
                    MessageUtility.MakeQuickAnswer("Customer support")

            await context.PostAsync(reply);

            await context.PostAsync("Are you up for some fun?");

            context.Call(new IntroductionDialog(), ResumeAfterDialog);

    public async Task CustomerSupportIntent(IDialogContext context, LuisResult result)
        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
            if (user != null)
                user.receiving_support = true;

        await context.PostAsync("I'll let customer support know, that you want to talk to them. They should be messaging you shortly.<br/>You can end your conversation with customer support at any time by typing \"Stop customer support\".");

        context.Call(new CustomerSupportDialog(), ResumeAfterDialog);

    private async Task ResumeAfterDialog(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<DialogResult> result)
        var resultState = await result;
        if (resultState == DialogResult.Restart)
            await GreetingIntent(context, null);
        else if (resultState == DialogResult.CustomerSupport)
            await ResumeAfterCustomerSupport(context);
        else if (resultState == DialogResult.Done || resultState == DialogResult.Cancel)

    private async Task ResumeAfterCustomerSupport(IDialogContext context)
        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            var user = userService.FindByFacebookId(context.Activity.From.Id);
            if (user != null)
                user.receiving_support = false;

        await context.PostAsync("I hope you got the help you needed. Would you like to pass a message to a friend?");

        context.Call(new IntroductionDialog(), ResumeAfterDialog);

    private bool RegisterUser(FacebookAccount fbAccount, country country, out messenger_user user)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbAccount?.Id))
            user = null;
            return false;

        using (var userService = new MessengerUserService())
            user = userService.FindByFacebookId(fbAccount.Id);

            if (user != null)
                return user.country != null;

            user = new messenger_user
                id = fbAccount.Id,
                country = country


            return user.country != null;

    protected misunderstood_phrase CreateMisunderstoodPhrase(messenger_user user, string phrase)
        return new misunderstood_phrase
            phrase = phrase,
            dialog = GetType().Name,
            messenger_user_id = user.id

This works most of the time. 这大部分时间都有效。 The user is told that their registration was a success and the flow exits with the context.Done() call. 用户被告知他们的注册成功,并且流程通过context.Done()调用退出。 Sometimes however the chatbot doesn't register the dialog as being exited, as seen here: 但有时聊天机器人不会将对话框注册为退出,如下所示:


As you can see the chatbot is still in the same Dialog even though I have called the Done() method. 正如您所看到的,即使我已调用Done()方法,聊天机器人仍然在同一个Dialog中。 This is a general problem in my chatbot, as it happens sometimes in all my dialogs. 这是我的聊天机器人中的一般问题,因为它有时会出现在我的所有对话框中。

Do you have any input as to what could be wrong? 你有什么可能错的输入吗?

EDIT: When debugging this I've added breakpoints every time it calls context.Call . 编辑:调试时我每次调用context.Call时都添加了断点。 When my issue arises it stops hitting these breakpoints afterwards. 当我的问题出现时,它会在之后停止触及这些断点。 Could this be a side-effect of some DI or something? 这可能是一些DI的副作用吗? This is my DI code: 这是我的DI代码:

Conversation.UpdateContainer(builder =>
    builder.RegisterModule(new DialogModule());
    builder.RegisterModule(new ReflectionSurrogateModule());
    builder.RegisterModule(new DialogModule_MakeRoot());
    builder.RegisterModule(new AzureModule(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));

    var store = new TableBotDataStore(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StorageConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

    builder.Register(c => store)

    builder.Register(c => new CachingBotDataStore(store,


I think I finally found the problem. 我想我终于找到了问题。 In my code I had implemented a helper method in a static class that would send a typing response and wait a certain amount of time. 在我的代码中,我在静态类中实现了一个helper方法,该方法将发送一个输入响应并等待一段时间。 Seeing as the context was passed into this static method it seems that this was causing some issues. 看到上下文被传递到这个静态方法,似乎这导致了一些问题。

After changing the method to an extension method of the LuisDialog I no longer have this issue. 将方法更改为LuisDialog的扩展方法后,我不再遇到此问题。

I would appreciate if anyone can expand on why this might have been a problem. 如果有人可以扩展为什么这可能是一个问题,我将不胜感激。

EDIT: The method in question: 编辑:有问题的方法:

public static async Task StartTyping(IDialogContext context, int sleep)
    var typingMsg = context.MakeMessage();
    typingMsg.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing;

    await context.PostAsync(typingMsg);
    await Task.Delay(sleep);

I faced a very similar issue and while moving the typing sending into a base class from a static helper class as Frederik did help to highly reduce the number of times the problem occured, the final solution was this: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder/issues/4477 我遇到了一个非常类似的问题,并且在将静态帮助程序类中的类型发送到基类时,因为Frederik确实帮助大大减少了问题发生的次数,最终的解决方案是: https//github.com/微软/ BotBuilder /问题/ 4477

In short, I had to downgrade the bot-related NuGet packages (Microsoft.Bot.Builder, Microsoft.Bot.Builder.History, Microsoft.Bot.Connector) to 3.13.1 and the issue disappeared. 简而言之,我不得不将与bot相关的NuGet包(Microsoft.Bot.Builder,Microsoft.Bot.Builder.History,Microsoft.Bot.Connector)降级到3.13.1,问题就消失了。

since in [LuisIntent("ConcertCity")] you are using context.Done() so the current dialog gets exit from the stack. 因为在[LuisIntent(“ConcertCity”)]中你正在使用context.Done()所以当前对话框从堆栈中退出。 This is why the next message is being handled by the previous dialog or the message controller where the 'None' intent is being called and you are getting this response 这就是下一个消息由前一个对话框或消息控制器处理的原因,其中正在调用“无”意图并且您正在获得此响应

reply.Text = "I'm not sure what you mean \uD83E\uDD14<br/>Which Grøn Koncert would you like to attend?";

You should not do context.Done() every places, this should only be called when you have to go to the previous dialog on the stack. 你不应该在每个地方都使用context.Done(),只有当你必须转到堆栈上的前一个对话框时才应该调用它。

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