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[英]Error: mkdir … The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect

I am using postgres_exporter for prometheus , and when I am trying to run it it shows me an error: 我将postgres_exporter用于prometheus ,当我尝试运行它时,它向我显示错误:

Error: failed to run "go-bindata -pkg=assets -o assets/bindata.go -ignore=bindata.go -ignore=.*.map$ -prefix=assets/generated assets/generated/...: exec: "go-bindata": executable file not found in %PATH%" exit status 1 错误:无法运行“ go-bindata -pkg =资产-o资产/bindata.go -ignore = bindata.go -ignore =。*。map $-前缀=资产/生成的资产/生成的/ ...:执行: “ go-bindata”:在%PATH%中找不到可执行文件”退出状态1

I realised that I had the wrong library of go-bindata installed. 我意识到我安装了错误的go-bindata库。 So after I installed the other one, error has changed to : 因此,在我安装了另一个后,错误更改为:

Error: mkdir C:\\Users\\StarTech\\go\\src\\github.com\\wrouesnel\\postgres_exporter\\bin/C:: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. 错误:mkdir C:\\ Users \\ StarTech \\ go \\ src \\ github.com \\ wrouesnel \\ postgres_exporter \\ bin / C ::文件名,目录名或卷标语法不正确。 exit status 1 退出状态1

This is the link of postgres_exporter : postgres_exporter 这是postgres_exporter的链接: postgres_exporter

First i type these commands: 首先,我输入以下命令:

go get github.com/wrouesnel/postgres_exporter
cd path/src/github.com/wrouesnel/postgres_exporter
go run mage.go
export DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://login:password@hostname:port/dbname"
./postgres_exporter <flags>

Also i am using run command instead of export since I'm on Windows. 另外,因为我在Windows上,所以我使用run命令而不是export

And error happens when I type command go run mage.go docker 当我键入命令go run mage.go docker时发生错误


go get -u github.com/tmthrgd/go-bindata/...


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