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[英]Mercurial error “The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect”

I'm getting the following error when I try to update my Mercurial directory on a PC: 当我尝试在PC上更新我的Mercurial目录时出现以下错误:

The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. 文件名,目录名或卷标语法不正确。

Other comments have noted that the problem lies with having ampersands or carets in the path. 其他评论指出,问题在于在路径中使用了&符号或插入符号。 However my path is this: 不过我的道路是这样的:

C:\Users\First Last\Desktop\goodmorningcmc

That doesn't have any ampersands. 那没有任何&符号。

Is it possible that the error is being caused by the space in my username? 错误是否可能是由我的用户名空间引起的? This is a really frustrating error. 这是一个非常令人沮丧的错误。

Thanks, Kevin 谢谢,凯文

I could be that a file has been added to the repository by someone else which has dodgy character in it. 我可能是一个文件已经由其他人中添加到存储库中,其中有一个狡猾的角色。 When running update Mercurial is trying to create the file on disk. 运行更新时,Mercurial正在尝试在磁盘上创建文件。 Try running hg serve and browsing to http://localhost:8000 - then look through the changeset history to see which files have been added/renamed. 尝试运行hg serve并浏览到http:// localhost:8000 - 然后查看变更集历史记录以查看已添加/重命名的文件。 That might give you a clue. 这可能会给你一个线索。

I solved the problem - it turns out there was a filename in the repo that contained a pipe character | 我的问题解决了-原来有在包含管道字符回购的文件名| . Renaming that file solved the problem. 重命名该文件解决了问题。


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