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[英]Compare string array to enum C#(UNITY)

How can I compare the string data i use to my enum 如何将我使用的字符串数据与枚举进行比较

I made this enum 我做了这个枚举

public enum BeadColor

public BeadColor previousColor = BeadColor.NONE;

and I will create a string array like this 我将创建一个这样的字符串数组

string str = {"P", "B", "T"};

for doing this to an enum 对一个枚举这样做

public enum BeadColor
    BLUE = "P",
    RED = "B",
    GREEN = "T",

So if this is possible i would like to use the enum to check if my string BigRoadData.Contains(/*the enum BLUE for example*/) 因此,如果可能的话,我想使用enum检查我的字符串BigRoadData.Contains(/*the enum BLUE for example*/)

cause instead of doing the normal way 原因而不是正常方式

   //print a

I would like to do it "IF POSSIBLE" like this 我想像这样“如果可能”

if(BigRoadData.Contains(/*the enum blue for example*/)){
   //print a


CustomClass.cs CustomClass.cs

public string BigRoadData = "";
public string[] strData = {"P  ,B  ,B  ,P  ,B  ,B  ,B  ,B  ,B  ,B  ,P  ,P  ,B  ,P  "};
public void MakeBigRoad(string data){

    BigRoadData = data;

    for(int i = 0; i < strData.Length; i++){
        BigRoadData += strData [i];
        BigRoadData += ",";

public void ScoreBoardCondition(){



MainClass 主类

Here i will call it like this 在这里我会这样称呼它



On my CustomClass.cs 在我的CustomClass.cs上

public enum _Data

public enum _BeadColors

public _Data previousColor = _BeadColors.NONE;

class CustomClass{


//extension method for contains
public static bool Contains(this string input, _Data data){
string[] str = { "P", "B", "T" };

if(data == BaccaratScoreboard._Data.P){
    return input.Contains (str [0]);

if(data == BaccaratScoreboard._Data.B){
    return input.Contains (str [1]);

if(data == BaccaratScoreboard._Data.T){
    return input.Contains (str [2]);

There are many ways to do this. 有很多方法可以做到这一点。

1 .You can map your Enum to the data in the string array with a Dictionary then use Dictionary.ContainsKey(YourEnum.Value) . 1。您可以映射您Enum为与字符串数组中的数据Dictionary然后使用Dictionary.ContainsKey(YourEnum.Value)

2 .You make the names of the enum variable the-same with the name of the values in the string array then use Enum.Parse to make this conversion and compare them. 2。使enum变量的名称与字符串数组中值的名称相同,然后使用Enum.Parse进行此转换并进行比较。

3 .You can make an Contains extension method for the string class that hides your BigRoadData.Contains(str[0]) . 3。您可以为隐藏BigRoadData.Contains(str[0])string类创建一个Contains扩展方法。 This function will take BeadColor enum as argument and allows you to compare with that instead of str[0] . 该函数将BeadColor枚举作为参数,并允许您与之比较而不是str[0]

I will provide an example for the last method. 我将提供最后一个方法的示例。 You can implement the other ones yourself if you wish to use them instead. 如果您想替代使用其他代码,则可以自己实现。

The enum: 枚举:

public enum BeadColor
    BLUE, //P
    RED,  //B
    GREEN, //T

The extension method: 扩展方法:

public static class ExensionMethod
    public static bool Contains(this string input, BeadColor cColor)
        string[] str = { "P", "B", "T" };

        if (cColor == BeadColor.BLUE)
            return input.Contains(str[0]);

        if (cColor == BeadColor.RED)
            return input.Contains(str[1]);

        if (cColor == BeadColor.GREEN)
            return input.Contains(str[2]);

        return false;

The extension method maps "P" to BeadColor.BLUE , "B" to BeadColor.RED and "T" to BeadColor.GREEN and makes it possible to check if the color exists using the BeadColor enum. 扩展方法“P”映射到BeadColor.BLUE “B”,以BeadColor.RED和“T”,以BeadColor.GREEN和使得能够检查是否存在颜色使用BeadColor枚举。

Usage : 用法

It works on string 它适用于字符串

public string BigRoadData = "";

void Start()
    if (BigRoadData.Contains(BeadColor.BLUE))


You can't use string as the type of your enum . 您不能使用string作为enum的类型。
You can try char , but is not recommended. 您可以尝试使用char ,但不建议这样做。
See this question and answers: https://stackoverflow.com/q/8588384/2025364 看到这个问题和答案: https : //stackoverflow.com/q/8588384/2025364

By the way, concatenating strings like that is VERY bad: BigRoadData += strData [i]; 顺便说一句,串联这样的字符串非常不好: BigRoadData += strData [i];
Use String.Concat (or StringBuilder ) instead. 请改用String.Concat (或StringBuilder )。

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