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VSCode“打开包含文件夹”快捷方式在Linux Mint上中断

[英]VSCode “Open Containing Folder” shortcut broke on Linux Mint

I am trying to use the "Open Containing Folder" keyboard shortcut for VSCode. 我正在尝试使用VSCode的“打开包含文件夹”键盘快捷方式。

I am running VSCode 1.23.1, on Linux Mint 18.3. 我在Linux Mint 18.3上运行VSCode 1.23.1。

I have confirmed the command works correctly when I use the mouse to initiate from the context menu. 我已经确认当我使用鼠标从上下文菜单中启动命令时,该命令可以正常工作。

But when I use the Alt + Ctrl + R hotkey, it fails to work. 但是,当我使用Alt + Ctrl + R热键时,它无法正常工作。

So either VSCode is broke or Linux Mint is eating that key combo. 因此,要么VSCode崩溃了,要么Linux Mint正在吃掉那个关键组合。

I can not seem to confirm if the key combo is already assigned in Linux Mint. 我似乎无法确认是否已在Linux Mint中分配了按键组合。 I have tried assigning that key combo to something else and it did not warn me that it is already mapped....so I assume it is not. 我尝试将那个键组合分配给其他东西,但是它并没有警告我它已经被映射....所以我认为不是。

Left click on the file or folder first, then Ctrl + Alt + R should work. 首先左键单击文件或文件夹,然后按Ctrl + Alt + R即可

If you're cursor is inside the text of the file, the shortcut will not work. 如果光标位于文件文本内,则快捷方式将不起作用。

You may need to upgrade to VSCode Version 1.24.0. 您可能需要升级到VSCode版本1.24.0。

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