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在包含 linux 的文件夹中打开文件?

[英]Open file in containing folder for linux?

I want to open the file browser on the folder containing the file with the focus/highlight on the file我想在包含文件的文件夹上打开文件浏览器,并在文件上显示焦点/突出显示

For Windows, it's:对于 Windows,它是:

explorer.exe /select,C:\some path\some file.txt

For Mac:对于 Mac:

open -R \some path\some file.txt

What is the equivalent for linux? linux 相当于什么?

When supported, dbus can provide that feature witrh this command line:如果支持,dbus 可以通过以下命令行提供该功能:

dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.FileManager1 /org/freedesktop/FileManager1 org.freedesktop.FileManager1.ShowItems array:string:"file:///some path/some file" string:""

This feature is implemented in many file managers but maybe not all此功能在许多文件管理器中实现,但可能不是全部

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