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[英]Creating and destroying game objects each certain number of frames in Unity

I am trying to create objects and delete them each 50 frames. 我正在尝试创建对象并将其每50帧删除一次。 line objects have been created successfully but they never got destroyed! 线对象已成功创建,但从未销毁! I even tried destroyimmediate() and still not working .. please help ... My code never worked like this :: 我什至尝试了destroyimmediate()仍然无法正常工作..请帮助...我的代码从未像这样工作过::

private int _currentInterval = 50;
private int _maxIntervalValue = 50; 
private int i = 0;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
    if (_currentInterval == _maxIntervalValue)
        float x = Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f), y = Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f);
        DrawRay(i, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(x, 10, y));
    else if (_currentInterval <= 0)
        Destroy(GameObject.Find("Ray_" + i));
        _currentInterval = _maxIntervalValue;

private void DrawRay(int ID, Vector3 StartPoint, Vector3 EndPoint)
    #region Create Line
    GameObject Ray = new GameObject();
    Ray.transform.position = StartPoint;
    Ray.name = "Ray_" + ID;
    LineRenderer lr = Ray.GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
    lr.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply"));
    lr.SetColors(Color.red, Color.red);
    lr.SetWidth(0.05f, 0.05f);
    lr.SetPosition(0, StartPoint);
    lr.SetPosition(1, EndPoint);

Just make your counter Destroy(GameObject.Find("Ray_" + (i-1))); 只需使您的计数器Destroy(GameObject.Find("Ray_" + (i-1))); . Right now the GameObject.Find it is trying to find is one count above your original value which doesn't exist at that moment. 现在,它正在尝试查找的GameObject.Find超出了您当时尚未存在的原始值一个计数。 This should solve your problem of object not getting destroyed. 这样可以解决您的对象不被破坏的问题。

At the beginning the counter will be =50 and it will create an object then it will be reduced all the way to =0 and at that moment the object that we just created is supposed to be deleted 在开始时,计数器将为= 50,它将创建一个对象,然后将其一直减小到= 0,这时应该删除我们刚刚创建的对象

1 .When you instantiate an object like this GameObject Ray = new GameObject(); 1。当实例化类似GameObject Ray = new GameObject();的对象时, GameObject Ray = new GameObject(); you need to make the GameObject Ray variable a global variable so that you can access it and destroy it later on. 您需要使GameObject Ray变量成为全局变量,以便您可以访问它并在以后销毁它。 This is better than looking for it with GameObject.Find to destroy it. 这比用GameObject.Find查找来销毁它要好。

2 .You don't need most variables in your code. 2。您不需要代码中的大多数变量。 What you are doing can be simplified with Time.frameCount by checking if Time.frameCount % 50 is 0 . 通过检查Time.frameCount % 50是否为0可以使用Time.frameCount简化操作。

3 .Don't name your variable Ray because there is a Unity API that name. 3。不要命名您的变量Ray因为有一个Unity API可以命名。

A simplified version of code for what you're tryingto do. 您尝试执行的代码的简化版本。 DrawRay is removed but you can add that. DrawRay被删除,但是您可以添加它。

GameObject obj = null;

void Start()
    //Create new one
    obj = new GameObject();

void Update()
    //Check if 50 frames has passed
    if (Time.frameCount % 50 == 0)
        //Destroy old one
        if (obj != null)

        //Create new one again
        obj = new GameObject();

Don't use that code in your DrawRay function. 不要DrawRay函数中使用该代码。 There will be a memory leak in your code each time you create new Material . 每次创建新Material时,代码中都会发生内存泄漏。 Use Object Pooling to re-use the objects. 使用对象池重新使用对象。

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