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如何为散点图设置 bin 坐标

[英]How to set bin coordinates for a scatter plot

I want to return the number of scatter points that occupy a specific area.我想返回占据特定区域的散点数。 Normally, I would do this by using a 2dhistogram and pcolormesh .通常,我会通过使用2dhistogrampcolormesh来做到这pcolormesh

But if I wanted to set bin coordinates that represented irregular sizes that don't represent a grid, how would I do this?但是如果我想设置代表不代表网格的不规则尺寸的 bin 坐标,我该怎么做?

Below is an example of my dataset.下面是我的数据集的一个例子。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import math
import numpy as np

x1 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))
y1 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))

x2 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))
y2 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

plt.scatter(x1[0],y1[0], c = 'r', zorder = 2)
plt.scatter(x2[0],y2[0], c = 'b', zorder = 2)

ang1 = 0, 50
ang2 = 100, 50
angle = math.degrees(math.acos(5.5/9.15))
xy = 50, 50

Halfway = mpl.lines.Line2D((50,50), (0,100), c = 'white')
arc1 = mpl.patches.Arc(ang1, 65, 100, angle = 0, theta2 = angle, theta1 = 360-angle, lw = 2)
arc2 = mpl.patches.Arc(ang2, 65, 100, angle = 0, theta2 = 180+angle, theta1 = 180-angle, lw = 2)
Oval = mpl.patches.Ellipse(xy, 100, 100, lw = 3, alpha = 0.1)


plt.text(15, 75, '1', fontsize = 8)
plt.text(35, 90, '2', fontsize = 8)
plt.text(65, 90, '3', fontsize = 8)
plt.text(85, 75, '4', fontsize = 8)



The bins I want to set are labelled 1-4.我要设置的垃圾箱标记为 1-4。 Is it possible to set coordinates that return those bins?是否可以设置返回这些垃圾箱的坐标?

If I can set these coordinates, I then want to return the bin that each scatter point occupies.如果我可以设置这些坐标,那么我想返回每个散点占据的 bin。 Output:输出:



If I wanted an export that displayed xy's in each bin for each row in the scatter plot I would write out (x1[0], y1[0]) and transpose the data to return:如果我想要一个在散点图中每一行的每个 bin 中显示 xy 的导出,我会写出(x1[0], y1[0])并转置数据以返回:

          1             2            3             4   
0  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]

Then I would change (x1[0], y1[0]) to (x1[1], y1[1]) to get the second row of data.然后我将(x1[0], y1[0])更改为(x1[1], y1[1])以获取第二行数据。

          1             2            3             4   
1  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]

Then I would combine those to create:然后我会结合这些来创建:

          1             2            3             4   
0  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]  
1  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]

I've got 1000's of rows so I'm trying to create a method to use the entire (x1, y1) to produce the coordinates in each bin for each row of data.我有 1000 行,所以我试图创建一种方法来使用整个(x1, y1)为每行数据生成每个 bin 中的坐标。

Intended Output:预期输出:

          1             2            3             4   
0  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]
1  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]
2  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]    
3  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]
4  [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)] [(x,y),(x,y)]

If I try (x1, y1) I get the error:如果我尝试(x1, y1)我得到错误:

err = (arc_vertices[:,0] - x)**2 + (arc_vertices[:,1] - y)**2 ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (70,) (10,)

I'm really not happy with this approach.我真的对这种方法不满意。 Calculating where the y coordinate for a point with your data's x coordinate would fall on the curve seems better.用数据的 x 坐标计算点的 y 坐标落在曲线上的位置似乎更好。

This approach works similarly, but uses the arc's finite vertices:这种方法的工作原理类似,但使用弧的有限顶点:

arc1v = ax.transData.inverted().transform(arc1.get_verts())
arc2v = ax.transData.inverted().transform(arc2.get_verts())

for (x,y) in zip(x1[0], y1[0]):
    err = (arc1v[:,0] - x)**2 + (arc1v[:,1] - y)**2
    nearest = (arc1v[err == min(err)])[0]
    line_x = (x, nearest[0])
    line_y = (y, nearest[1])
    ax.add_line(mpl.lines.Line2D(line_x, line_y))

    if x > nearest[0]:
        ax.scatter(x, y, marker='^', s=100, c='k', zorder=1)
        ax.scatter(x, y, marker='v', s=100, c='k', zorder=1)

This "labels" points on the left of the (left) curve with a down-facing triangle and points on the right of it with an up-facing triangle.这个“标签”指向(左)曲线左侧的一个向下的三角形,并指向它右侧的一个向上的三角形。 The lines on the graph point to the nearest defined vertex on the curve and are for illustration only.图形上的线指向曲线上最近的定义顶点,仅供说明之用。

You could do this for the other curve as well, and the bin 2/3 division is straightforward.您也可以对另一条曲线执行此操作,并且 bin 2/3 除法很简单。

Here's an example output figure:这是一个示例输出图: 在此处输入图片说明


Here's a more complete answer:这是一个更完整的答案:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import math
import numpy as np

BIN_23_X = 50               # The separator between bin 2 and 3

x1 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))
y1 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))

x2 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))
y2 = np.random.randint(80, size=(400, 10))

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

plt.scatter(x1[0],y1[0], c = 'r', zorder = 2)
plt.scatter(x2[0],y2[0], c = 'b', zorder = 2)

ang1 = 0, 50
ang2 = 100, 50
angle = math.degrees(math.acos(5.5/9.15))
xy = 50, 50

Halfway = mpl.lines.Line2D((BIN_23_X,BIN_23_X), (0,100), c = 'white')
arc1 = mpl.patches.Arc(ang1, 65, 100, angle = 0, theta2 = angle, theta1 = 360-angle, lw = 2)
arc2 = mpl.patches.Arc(ang2, 65, 100, angle = 0, theta2 = 180+angle, theta1 = 180-angle, lw = 2)
Oval = mpl.patches.Ellipse(xy, 100, 100, lw = 3, alpha = 0.1)


plt.text(15, 75, '1', fontsize = 8)
plt.text(35, 90, '2', fontsize = 8)
plt.text(65, 90, '3', fontsize = 8)
plt.text(85, 75, '4', fontsize = 8)

# Classification helpers
def get_nearest_arc_vert(x, y, arc_vertices):
    err = (arc_vertices[:,0] - x)**2 + (arc_vertices[:,1] - y)**2
    nearest = (arc_vertices[err == min(err)])[0]
    return nearest

arc1v = ax.transData.inverted().transform(arc1.get_verts())
arc2v = ax.transData.inverted().transform(arc2.get_verts())

def classify_pointset(vx, vy):
    bins = {(k+1):[] for k in range(4)}
    for (x,y) in zip(vx, vy):
        nx1, ny1 = get_nearest_arc_vert(x, y, arc1v)
        nx2, ny2 = get_nearest_arc_vert(x, y, arc2v)

        if x < nx1:                         # Is this point in bin 1?  To the left of arc1?
        elif x > nx2:                       # Is this point in bin 4?  To the right of arc2?
            # If we get here, the point is in either bin 2 or 3.  We'll consider points
            #   that fall on the line to be in bin 3.
            if x < BIN_23_X:                # Is this point to the left BIN_23_X? => Bin 2
            else:                           # Otherwise, the point is in Bin 3

    return bins

# Classify points
bins_red  = classify_pointset(x1[0], y1[0])
bins_blue = classify_pointset(x2[0], y2[0])

# Display classifications
for x in bins_red.items():
    print(" ", x)

for x in bins_blue.items():
    print(" ", x)

# "Annotate" classifications
for (x,y) in (bins_red[1] + bins_blue[1]):
    ax.scatter(x, y, marker='^', s=100, c='k', zorder=1)

for (x,y) in (bins_red[2] + bins_blue[2]):
    ax.scatter(x, y, marker='v', s=100, c='k', zorder=1)

for (x,y) in (bins_red[3] + bins_blue[3]):
    ax.scatter(x, y, marker='^', s=100, c='y', zorder=1)

for (x,y) in (bins_red[4] + bins_blue[4]):
    ax.scatter(x, y, marker='v', s=100, c='y', zorder=1)





Here, points are "annotated" with shapes behind them corresponding to which bins they were classified into:在这里,点被“注释”,它们后面的形状对应于它们被分类到哪些箱:

Bin       Anno. Color     Triangle Pointing
Bin 1     Black           Up
Bin 2     Black           Down
Bin 3     Yellow          Up
Bin 4     Yellow          Down

The code also displays the classification results (the output of classify_pointset is a dict, keyed on bin number (1-4) with the values being the point coordinates of points found to be in the bin:该代码还显示分类结果( classify_pointset的输出是一个字典,以 bin 编号 (1-4) 为键,值是在 bin 中找到的点的点坐标:

  (1, [(14, 30), (4, 18), (12, 48)])
  (2, [(49, 41)])
  (3, [(62, 79), (50, 7), (68, 19), (71, 1), (59, 27), (77, 0)])
  (4, [])
  (1, [(20, 74), (11, 17), (12, 75)])
  (2, [(41, 19), (30, 15)])
  (3, [(61, 75)])
  (4, [(79, 73), (69, 58), (76, 34), (78, 65)])

You don't have to annotate the figure graphically, it's just there for illustration, you can just use the dicts returned by classify_pointset ( bins_red and bins_blue ).您不必以图形方式注释图形,它只是用于说明,您可以只使用由classify_pointsetbins_redbins_blue )返回的字典。

Update 2更新 2

The following code produces a list of lists (still 1-indexed), so you can find all the points (both red and blue) in bin 1 by accessing all_points[1] .以下代码生成一个列表列表(仍为 1 索引),因此您可以通过访问all_points[1]找到 bin 1 中的所有点(红色和蓝色)。 The first element (index 0) in the all_points list is None , since we're keeping the list 1-indexed. all_points列表中的第一个元素(索引 0)是None ,因为我们将列表保持为 1 索引。

# Generate a list of lists, the outer index corresponds to the bin number (1-indexed)
all_points = [None] * 5
for bin_key in [1,2,3,4]:
    all_points[bin_key] = bins_red[bin_key] + bins_blue[bin_key]

# Just for display.
for bin_key, bin_points in enumerate(all_points):
    print(bin_key, bin_points)


0 None
1 [(1, 8), (16, 72), (23, 67), (12, 19), (24, 51), (24, 47), (15, 23), (18, 51)]
2 [(39, 75), (35, 27), (48, 55), (45, 53), (45, 22)]
3 [(66, 58), (55, 64), (70, 1), (71, 15), (73, 3), (71, 75)]
4 [(74, 62)]

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