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[英]Element-wise most frequent element R

For example I have data frame: 例如我有数据框:

df <- data.frame(V1=c("a", "a", "b"), 
             V2 = c("b", "a", "a"), 
             V3 = c("a", "a", "b"))
> df
  V1 V2 V3
1  a  b  a
2  a  a  a
3  b  a  b

I want to find most commont element in a row (a, a, b). 我想在一排(a,a,b)中找到最普通的元素。

I have following code, which does that: 我有下面的代码,这样做:

most_freq <- function(df){
  k <- nrow(df)
  values <- NULL
  for(i in 1:k){
    values[i] <- names(sort(table(unlist(df[i,])), decreasing = TRUE))[1]

But it's, in my opinion, bad. 但我认为这很糟糕。 First of all, it works slowly, uses many functions. 首先,它运行缓慢,使用许多功能。 Is there any simplier way to do that? 有没有更简单的方法可以做到这一点? Keep in mind, that I have factors too. 请记住,我也有一些因素。 So i can't use cbind, because it converts factor to numeric. 所以我不能使用cbind,因为它将因子转换为数值。

You can try a tidyverse 你可以尝试一个tidyverse

df %>% 
  rownames_to_column() %>% 
  gather(k, v, -rowname) %>% 
  group_by(rowname) %>% 
  count(v) %>% 
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups:   rowname [3]
  rowname v         n
  <chr>   <chr> <int>
1 1       a         2
2 2       a         3
3 3       b         2

In base R you can try R您可以尝试

apply(df, 1, function(x) names(table(x))[which.max(table(x))])
[1] "a" "a" "b"

this works for me (on your sample data) 这对我有用(根据您的样本数据)

apply(df, 1, median)
[1] "a" "a" "b"

but since the median is not the way to go... try this: 但是由于中位数不是要走的路,请尝试以下操作:


df %>% 
#melt your data to long format
gather() %>% 
group_by(key, value) %>% 
#count per group
summarise( number = n() ) %>% 
#arrange secending on number
arrange( desc( number ) ) %>%
#filter the first row of each group

# A tibble: 3 x 3
# Groups:   key [3]
  key   value number
  <chr> <chr>  <int>
1 V1    b          2
2 V2    a          2
3 V3    a          2

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