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[英]Using scipy.optimize.curve_fit to fit a piecewise function

I am attempting to write a program that reads two sets data from a .csv file into arrays, and then fits it to a piecewise function. 我试图编写一个程序,将一个.csv文件中的两个数据集读取到数组中,然后将其拟合为分段函数。 What's most important to me is that these fits are done simultaneously because they have the same parameters. 对我来说最重要的是,因为这些拟合具有相同的参数,所以它们是同时完成的。 This piecewise function is my attempt to do so, though if you know a better way to fit them simultaneously I'd also greatly appreciate advice regarding that. 这个分段功能是我这样做的尝试,尽管如果您知道同时安装它们的更好方法,我也将非常感谢对此的建议。

To avoid having to upload the csv files I've added the data directly into the arrays. 为了避免上载csv文件,我将数据直接添加到了数组中。

import numpy
import csv
import matplotlib
from scipy import optimize

xdata = [2.0, 10.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 90.0, 110.0, 130.0, 150.0, 250.0, 400.0, 1002.0, 1010.0, 1030.0, 1050.0, 1070.0, 1090.0, 1110.0, 1130.0, 1150.0, 1250.0, 1400.0]
ydata = [0.013833958803215633, 0.024273268442992078, 0.08792766000711709, 0.23477725658012044, 0.31997367288103884, 0.3822895295625711, 0.46037063893452784, 0.5531831477605121, 0.559757863748663, 0.6443036770720387, 0.7344601382896991, 2.6773979205076136e-09, 9.297289736857164e-10, 0.10915332214935693, 0.1345307163724643, 0.1230161681870127, 0.11286094974672768, 0.09186485171688986, 0.06609131137369342, 0.052616358869021135, 0.034629686697483314, 0.03993853791147095]

The first 11 points I want to fit to the function labeled 'SSdecay', and the second 11 points I want to fit to the function labeled 'SUdecay'. 我想适合标有'SSdecay'的功能的前11点,我想适合标有'SUdecay'的功能的后11点。 My attempt at doing this simultaneously was making the piecewise function labeled 'fitfunciton'. 我同时尝试执行此操作的目的是使分段功能标记为“ fitfunciton”。

#defines functions to be used in fitting

#to fit the first half of data
def SSdecay(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff):
    return norm*(1 + lam2/(lam1 - lam2)*numpy.exp(-lam1*(x - xoff)) -
        lam1/(lam1 - lam2)*numpy.exp(-lam2*(x - xoff)))

#to fit the second half of data
def SUdecay(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff):
    return norm*(lam1/(lam1 - lam2))*(-numpy.exp(-lam1*(x - xoff)) +
        numpy.exp(-lam2*(x - xoff)))

#piecewise function combining SS and SU functions to fit the whole data set
def fitfunction(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff):
    y = numpy.piecewise(x,[x < 1000, x >= 1000],[SSdecay(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff),SUdecay(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff)])
    return y

#fits the piecewise function with initial guesses for parameters
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(fitfunction, xdata, ydata, p0)


After running this I get the error: 运行此后,我得到错误:

ValueError: NumPy boolean array indexing assignment cannot assign 22 input values to the 11 output values where the mask is true

It seems as though curve_fit does not like that I'm using a piecewise function but I am unsure why or if it is a fixable kind of problem. 似乎curve_fit不喜欢我正在使用分段函数,但是我不确定为什么或是否是可解决的问题。

Here are my results for separately fitting the two functions using the normalized data. 这是我使用归一化数据分别拟合两个函数的结果。 It looks unlikely that these will work as a single piecewise equation, please see the plot image and source code below. 这些看起来不可能像单个分段方程那样工作,请参见下面的绘图图像和源代码。 I also have very different fitted parameters for the two equations: 对于两个方程,我也有非常不同的拟合参数:

SS parameters: [ 0.0110936, 0.09560932, 0.72929264, 6.82520026] SS参数:[0.0110936、0.09560932、0.72929264、6.82520026]

SU parameters: [ 3.46853883e-02, 9.54208972e-03, 1.99877873e-01, 1.00465563e+03] SU参数:[3.46853883e-02,9.54208972e-03,1.99877873e-01,1.00465563e + 03]


import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

xdata = [2.0, 10.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 90.0, 110.0, 130.0, 150.0, 250.0, 400.0, 1002.0, 1010.0, 1030.0, 1050.0, 1070.0, 1090.0, 1110.0, 1130.0, 1150.0, 1250.0, 1400.0]
ydata = [0.013833958803215633, 0.024273268442992078, 0.08792766000711709, 0.23477725658012044, 0.31997367288103884, 0.3822895295625711, 0.46037063893452784, 0.5531831477605121, 0.559757863748663, 0.6443036770720387, 0.7344601382896991, 2.6773979205076136e-09, 9.297289736857164e-10, 0.10915332214935693, 0.1345307163724643, 0.1230161681870127, 0.11286094974672768, 0.09186485171688986, 0.06609131137369342, 0.052616358869021135, 0.034629686697483314, 0.03993853791147095]

#to fit the first half of data
def SSdecay(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff):
    return norm*(1 + lam2/(lam1 - lam2)*numpy.exp(-lam1*(x - xoff)) -
        lam1/(lam1 - lam2)*numpy.exp(-lam2*(x - xoff)))

#to fit the second half of data
def SUdecay(x, lam1, lam2, norm, xoff):
    return norm*(lam1/(lam1 - lam2))*(-numpy.exp(-lam1*(x - xoff)) +
        numpy.exp(-lam2*(x - xoff)))

# some initial parameter values
initialParameters_ss = numpy.array([0.01, 0.02, 1.0, 0.0])
initialParameters_su = initialParameters_ss # same values for this example

# curve fit the equations individually to their respective data
ssParameters, pcov = curve_fit(SSdecay, xdata[:11], ydata[:11], initialParameters_ss)
suParameters, pcov = curve_fit(SUdecay, xdata[11:], ydata[11:], initialParameters_su)

# values for display of fitted function
lam1_ss, lam2_ss, norm_ss, xoff_ss = ssParameters
lam1_su, lam2_su, norm_su, xoff_su = suParameters

# for plotting the fitting results
y_fit_ss = SSdecay(xdata[:11], lam1_ss, lam2_ss, norm_ss, xoff_ss) # first data set, first equation
y_fit_su = SUdecay(xdata[11:], lam1_su, lam2_su, norm_su, xoff_su) # second data set, second equation

plt.plot(xdata, ydata, 'D') # plot the raw data as a scatterplot
plt.plot(xdata[:11], y_fit_ss) # plot the SS equation using the fitted parameters
plt.plot(xdata[11:], y_fit_su) # plot the SU equation using the fitted parameters

print('SS parameters:', ssParameters)
print('SU parameters:', suParameters)

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