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[英]How to replace inline javascript in rails controller

My existing sessions_controller use inline javascript exit to root_path as follow: 我现有的sessions_controller使用嵌入式javascript退出root_path,如下所示:

render inline: "<script>window.location.replace('#{url}')</script>"

It worked in Rails 4 but not in Rails 5. Most document talking about calling javascript in view. 它在Rails 4中有效,但在Rails 5中无效。大多数文档都涉及在视图中调用javascript。 But this is controller. 但这是控制器。 From what I understand I should replace with 据我了解,我应该用

render :js => "myNewJavascriptFunction();"

Which I did tried create myNewJavascriptFunction() in another file eg: views/sessions/create.js.erb it has error 我曾尝试在另一个文件中创建myNewJavascriptFunction(),例如:views / sessions / create.js.erb,它有错误

undefined method `myNewJavascriptFunction' for 未定义的方法“ myNewJavascriptFunction”

Help: 救命:

  1. How or Should I put the javascript in views/sessions/create.js.erb 我如何或应该将javascript放在views / sessions / create.js.erb中
  2. Can we put the javascript in assets to work with controller and how. 我们能否将javascript放入资产中以与控制器一起使用以及如何使用。

Here my existing codes: In SessionsController 这是我现有的代码:在SessionsController中

  def create
    auth = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
    user = User.from_omniauth(auth)
    session[:user_id] = user.id
    if params.permit[:remember_me]
      cookies.permanent[:auth_token] = user.auth_token
      cookies[:auth_token] = user.auth_token
        # render :js => refresh(root_path) #not work
        # redirect_to root_path            #not work with JQM
        render inline: "<script>window.location.replace('#{url}')</script>" #not work with Rails 5

    render inline: "<script>window.location.replace('#{url}')</script>" #not work with Rails 5

views/sessions/create.js.erb 意见/会话/ create.js.erb

function refresh(url='/') {

menu call 菜单调用

- if login?
    %a{"data-panel" => "main", :href => logout_path, "data-ajax"=>"false"} Sign Out
- else
    %a{:href=>new_session_path, "data-panel" => "main"} Sign In
    %a{:href=>new_identity_path, "data-panel" => "main"} Sign Up
  = link_to "Refresh", "#", :onclick=>"window.location.replace('/')"
- if !login?    
  = link_to image_tag( 'facebook-sign-in-button.png'), '/auth/facebook', rel: "external"  

No need to have a views/sessions/create.js.erb 无需查看/会话/create.js.erb

Just replace render inline: "<script>window.location.replace('#{url}')</script>" with render js: "window.location.replace('#{url}')" 只需将render inline: "<script>window.location.replace('#{url}')</script>"替换为render js: "window.location.replace('#{url}')"

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