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[英]How to sanitize “inline javascript” in ruby on rails?

I am specifically developing an app in ruby on rails and i find that the ruby gem "sanitize" is very useful for cleaning the input by user but it does not remove inline javascript which makes it rather useless 我专门开发了一个在Rails上使用ruby的应用程序,我发现ruby gem“ sanitize”对于清理用户输入非常有用,但是它不会删除内联JavaScript,这使其变得毫无用处

I have gone through these but that does not sanitize inline javascript 我已经经历了这些,但是没有清理内联javascript

Is there any better to do this(any gems or so)? 有什么更好的办法(任何宝石左右)?

Well you can set a whitelist for sanitize to only allow specific tags and attributes, so i guess you already got what you are looking for: 好吧,您可以为清除设置白名单,只允许特定的标签和属性,所以我想您已经找到了想要的东西:

Sanitize.clean(html, :elements => ['a', 'span'],
    :attributes => {'a' => ['href', 'title'], 'span' => ['class']},
    :protocols => {'a' => {'href' => ['http', 'https', 'mailto']}})

Snipped from http://wonko.com/post/sanitize 摘自http://wonko.com/post/sanitize

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