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[英]Standardising Kernel Density Plot's Width & Legend Scale

I have the following 4 kernel density plots, but would like the legend scale as well as the plot width/height to be the same across all 4 for comparison. 我有以下4个内核密度图,但希望图例比例以及图宽/高在所有4个图中都相同,以进行比较。

My codes are: 我的代码是:

kde_pipit_2014_bw <- density(Pipit_ppp_2016, sigma=4.18, edge=TRUE, kernel="gaussian") 
kde_pipit_2015_bw <- density(Pipit_ppp_2016, sigma=4.18, edge=TRUE, kernel="gaussian") 
kde_pipit_2016_bw <- density(Pipit_ppp_2016, sigma=4.18, edge=TRUE, kernel="gaussian") 
kde_pipit_2016_bw <- density(Pipit_ppp_2016, sigma=4.18, edge=TRUE, kernel="gaussian")

par(mfrow=c(2,2),cex=0.7, mai=c(0.1,0.1,0.2,0.2))

Below is an image of the plots. 下面是这些图的图像。 Is there any way I can scale it to the same size for comparison? 有什么办法可以将其缩放到相同大小以进行比较?


You haven't provided sample data, so I am using mtcars . 您尚未提供示例数据,所以我正在使用mtcars This is a way with The trick is, as mentioned in the comment, to merge your possibly existing several dataframes from each year, into one data frame, into ideally a long format with a column containing the 'year' information. 就是这种方法。 注释中提到的,诀窍是将每年可能存在的多个数据帧合并为一个数据帧,理想情况下将其合并为长格式,并在其中包含“ year”信息。


ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = mpg, y = wt)) + 

  stat_density2d(aes(fill = ..density..), geom = "raster", contour = FALSE) +
  facet_grid(~cyl)  ## you can replace this with your year

#the colors are just examples, I did not try to reproduce exactly your color scale 


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