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[英]Why I am getting “getuid was not declared in that scope” error?

#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pwd.h>

std::string impPath()
    char *name;
    struct passwd *pass;
    pass = getpwuid(getuid());
    name = pass->pw_name;

    std::string PATH = "/home";

    return PATH;

I need to know username of the user. 我需要知道用户的用户 In order to do this. 为此。 I am using getpwuid() but I am getting this error. 我正在使用getpwuid()但出现此错误。

/home/shobhit/Desktop/file.cpp:15: error: 'getuid' was not declared in this scope
 pass = getpwuid(getuid());

I just couldn't figure out what is the reason that getuid is not declared in this scope. 我只是不知道在此范围内未声明getuid的原因是什么。 I think I have included all the necessary header files.(yami's comment on R's answer getlogin() c function returns NULL and error "No such file or directory" I have tried searching on the web but couldn't find any relevant answer. 我想我已经包括了所有必需的头文件。(yami对R的答案getlogin()c函数的评论返回NULL,并且错误“我没有尝试过在网络上搜索此文件或目录” ,但找不到任何相关的答案。

man getuid : man getuid


 #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> uid_t getuid(void); uid_t geteuid(void); 

You're missing those includes. 您缺少这些包括。

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