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[英]Rendering array data in Datatable

I want to display a (large amount) of data stored in an array from the fomrat: 我想显示来自fomrat的(大量)存储在数组中的数据:

records = ["First", "Second", "Third", "...", "last"];

I am using the following javascript to display the data. 我正在使用以下JavaScript来显示数据。

$(document).ready(function() {
  data: records,
  deferRender: true,
  ordering: false,
  columns: [
    { title: "Title" }
} );

But when i want to show the results each character is displayed as one row. 但是,当我想显示结果时,每个字符都显示为一行。

If is switch the representation of the records to records = [["First"], ["Second"], ["Third"], ["..."], ["last"]]; 如果是,则将records的表示切换到records = [["First"], ["Second"], ["Third"], ["..."], ["last"]]; it is all fine. 一切都很好。 But I don't want to change the data structure to the last format. 但是我不想将数据结构更改为最后一种格式。

Is there a possibility to render the data without a nested array? 是否可以在没有嵌套数组的情况下呈现数据?

Is it an option to transform the array inplace?: 是否可以选择就地转换数组?

   data: records.map(e => [e]),
   deferRender: true,
   ordering: false,
   columns: [
    { title: "Title" }

The original array would remain unmodified. 原始数组将保持不变。

Is there a possibility to render the data without a nested array? 是否可以在没有嵌套数组的情况下呈现数据?

No. Datatable renders data per row by array index. 否。Datatable按数组索引每行呈现数据。

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