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[英]Postgresql + POSTGIS

I'm trying to deploy PostgreSQL + PostGIS for my ruby app.我正在尝试为我的 ruby​​ 应用程序部署 PostgreSQL + PostGIS。 I followthis tutorial , but when I'm typing: CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS the terminal returns,我遵循本教程,但是当我输入: CREATE EXTENSION PostGIS终端返回时,

CREATE : undefined command

my setup:我的设置:

  • POSTGRESQL 10.4 PostgreSQL 10.4
  • Ruby 2.4.3红宝石 2.4.3
  • Rails 5.1.6导轨 5.1.6

Where are you executing CREATE EXTENSION postgis ?你在哪里执行CREATE EXTENSION postgis This command has to be executed in the database via a PostgreSQL client, such as psql or pgAdmin .此命令必须通过 PostgreSQL 客户端在数据库中执行,例如psqlpgAdmin What you're getting is an error message from your console, which does not know this command.你得到的是来自你的控制台的错误消息,它不知道这个命令。

Try this from your console:从你的控制台试试这个:

psql -d yourdatabase -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis"

Check the psql documentation for more details on how to connect to the database.有关如何连接到数据库的更多详细信息,请查看 psql 文档。

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