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[英]PowerShell array null issue at class instantiation

I am having an issue with initializing an array in my class. 我在课堂上初始化数组时遇到问题。 In the constructor of the class I set a hierarchy depth to be later used for initializing an array of that size. 在该类的构造函数中,我设置了层次结构深度,以后将用于初始化该大小的数组。 If I just use [int]$Depth = 8 everything works fine, however if I try to pass the $Depth via the constructor it is not working (Error: Cannot index into a null array). 如果我只使用[int] $ Depth = 8,那么一切正常,但是,如果我尝试通过构造函数传递$ Depth,则它不起作用(错误:无法索引为空数组)。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Part of the code: 部分代码:

class Hierarchy {

[int]$Depth = 8 // If I add a number here it works

Hierarchy ([string] $Name, [string] $HideMembers, [int] $Depth)
    $this.Name = $Name
    $this.HideMembers = $HideMembers
    $this.Depth = $Depth // it seems this is executed after the creation of the $levels array

[Level[]]$Levels = [Level[]]::new($this.Depth)

I would do it like this: 我会这样做:

class Hierarchy {


    Hierarchy ([string] $Name, [string] $HideMembers, [int] $Depth)
        $this.Name = $Name
        $this.HideMembers = $HideMembers
        $this.Depth = $Depth
        $this.Levels = [Level[]]::new($this.Depth)


And then create with: 然后创建:

$hierarchy = New-Object Hierarchy "name", "hideMembers", 5


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