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[英]Making multiple facets in ggplot2

Hello I the following data set called States from the package carData in R. I am trying to plot the following data. 你好,我叫下面的数据集States从包carData在R.我想绘制以下数据。


   region      pop SATV SATM percent dollars pay
AL    ESC     4041  470  514       8   3.648  27
AK    PAC      550  438  476      42   7.887  43
AZ    MTN     3665  445  497      25   4.231  30
AR    WSC     2351  470  511       6   3.334  23
CA    PAC    29760  419  484      45   4.826  39
CO    MTN     3294  456  513      28   4.809  31

What I want to do is create a plot which shows four data from this chart. 我想做的是创建一个图表,显示该图表中的四个数据。 I want like a multiple facet chart. 我想要一个多方面的图表。

Where my two variable on the vertical axes are SATV and SATM and my two variables on the horizontal axis are dollar and pay. 我在垂直轴上的两个变量是SATV和SATM,在我水平轴上的两个变量是美元和工资。

So for example there would be like four boxes and my top right would be the relation between pay and satv. 例如,将有四个方框,而我的右上角将是薪水和卫星之间的关系。

How can I do this using lattice or ggplot2. 我该如何使用格子或ggplot2。

I assumed at first glance that this was a matter of making a scatterplot matrix. 乍一看,我认为这是制作散点图矩阵的问题。 @Punintended suggested GGally::ggpairs , and there might be something in GGally::ggduo that works too. @Punintended建议使用GGally::ggpairs ,并且在GGally::ggduo中可能也可以使用。 But since you aren't looking for all combinations of variables, I realized that this is actually about reshaping the data: You have 2 independent variables, dollars and pay , and 2 dependents, SATV and SATM . 但是由于您并没有在寻找变量的所有组合,所以我意识到这实际上是在重塑数据:您有2个独立变量( dollarspay )和2个因变量( SATVSATM You can reshape it so there's a column of test types and a column of test scores, and then reshape again to make a column of funding types and a column of funding amounts. 您可以对其进行重塑,以便有一列测试类型和一列测试分数,然后再次重塑以创建一列资金类型和一列资金金额。 I did this with two calls of tidyr::gather . 我通过两次tidyr::gather做到这一点。


data(States, package = "carData")

states_long <- States %>%
  gather(key = test_type, value = score, SATV, SATM) %>%
  gather(key = funding_type, value = funding_value, dollars, pay)

#>   region   pop percent test_type score funding_type funding_value
#> 1    ESC  4041       8      SATV   470      dollars         3.648
#> 2    PAC   550      42      SATV   438      dollars         7.887
#> 3    MTN  3665      25      SATV   445      dollars         4.231
#> 4    WSC  2351       6      SATV   470      dollars         3.334
#> 5    PAC 29760      45      SATV   419      dollars         4.826
#> 6    MTN  3294      28      SATV   456      dollars         4.809

After that, facetting will work, because you now have some way to split the data apart, by funding type (dollars spent or pay) versus test type (verbal or math). 之后,方面将起作用,因为现在您可以通过某种方式将数据按资金类型(花费或支付的美元)与测试类型(语言或数学)分开。

ggplot(states_long, aes(x = funding_value, y = score)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(test_type ~ funding_type, scales = "free")

Created on 2018-07-11 by the reprex package (v0.2.0). reprex软件包 (v0.2.0)于2018-07-11创建。

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