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在没有起点的情况下将X / Y转换为纬度/经度

[英]Converting X/Y to Lat/Long without point of origin

I have tens of thousands of X/Y points that are designed to be displayed on a black background instead of a map. 我有成千上万的X / Y点设计为显示在黑色背景而不是地图上。 Think of a rail network. 想想铁路网。

However I would like to display them on a map. 但是,我想在地图上显示它们。 I can manually get latitudes and longitudes of the points and associate them with some of the x/y's. 我可以手动获取这些点的纬度和经度,并将它们与某些x / y关联。 I find a street and use another online tool to get the lat/long of that point. 我找到一条街道,并使用另一个在线工具获取该点的经/纬度。

I was wondering if there is some code that could calculate the positions of the other points? 我想知道是否有一些代码可以计算其他点的位置?

I'm open to feedback about the question to provide more clarity. 我愿意就该问题提供反馈,以提供更多信息。


It is for a web application (Google Maps API) and based in the United Kingdom. 它用于Web应用程序(Google Maps API),位于英国。

You should reproject lat/lon to a geometric coordinate system like UTM coordinate system or WebMercator (they have the same origin of lat/lon). 您应该将经纬度重新投影到UTM坐标系或WebMercator之类的几何坐标系(它们的经纬度原点相同)。 Otherwise you coud use a library for gis or similiar applications (just check DotSpatial ). 否则,您可以将库用于gis或类似的应用程序(只需检查DotSpatial即可 )。

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