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[英]Operating System matching redhat6 could not be found error while installing hdp-3.0

While upgrading to hdp-3.0 from hdp-2.6xi am getting following error in ambari. 从hdp-2.6xi升级到hdp-3.0时,在ambari中出现以下错误。

Operating System matching redhat6 could not be found.

my linux version is centos6.x and ambari version is 2.6x 我的Linux版本是centos6.x,而ambari版本是2.6x

how can i fix this issue? 我该如何解决这个问题? whether there is no support for linux version lower than 7? 是否不支持低于7的Linux版本?


HDP 3.0 no longer supports RHEL/CENTOS 6. HDP 3.0不再支持RHEL / CENTOS 6。

Unfortunately to see the exact supported versions you need to have a support account.. 不幸的是,要查看确切的受支持版本,您需要具有支持帐户。

https://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDP3/HDP-3.0.0/support-matrix.html https://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDP3/HDP-3.0.0/support-matrix.html

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