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[英]How do I format JSON's with multiple of the same keys with python?

I have a program that right now grabs data like temperature and loads using a powershell script and the WMI. 我有一个程序,现在使用powershell脚本和WMI来获取温度和负载等数据。 It outputs the data as a JSON file. 它将数据输出为JSON文件。 Now let me preface this by saying this is my first time every working with JSON's and im not very familiar with the JSON python library. 现在让我先说这是我第一次使用JSON并且我对JSON python库不太熟悉。 Here is the code to my program: 这是我的程序的代码:

import subprocess
import json

p = subprocess.Popen(["C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe", ". \"./TestScript\";", "&NSV"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(output, err) = p.communicate()

data = json.loads(output)

for mNull in data:
    del mNull['Scope']
    del mNull['Path']
    del mNull['Options']
    del mNull['ClassPath']
    del mNull['Properties']
    del mNull['SystemProperties']
    del mNull['Qualifiers']
    del mNull['Site']
    del mNull['Container']
    del mNull['PSComputerName']
    del mNull['__GENUS']
    del mNull['__CLASS']
    del mNull['__SUPERCLASS']
    del mNull['__DYNASTY']
    del mNull['__RELPATH']
    del mNull['__PROPERTY_COUNT']
    del mNull['__DERIVATION']
    del mNull['__SERVER']
    del mNull['__NAMESPACE']
    del mNull['__PATH']

fdata = json.dumps(data,indent=2)


Now here is the resulting JSON: 现在这里是生成的JSON:

    "Name": "Memory",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 53.3276978
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 69
    "Name": "Used Space",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 93.12801
    "Name": "CPU Core #1",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 66
    "Name": "CPU DRAM",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 1.05141532
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 60.15625
    "Name": "CPU Package",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 15.2162886
    "Name": "Bus Speed",
    "SensorType": "Clock",
    "Value": 100.000031
    "Name": "CPU Total",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 57.421875
    "Name": "CPU Package",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 69
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Clock",
    "Value": 2700.00073
    "Name": "Temperature",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 41
    "Name": "Used Memory",
    "SensorType": "Data",
    "Value": 4.215393
    "Name": "Available Memory",
    "SensorType": "Data",
    "Value": 3.68930435
    "Name": "CPU Core #1",
    "SensorType": "Clock",
    "Value": 3100.001
    "Name": "CPU Cores",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 13.3746643
    "Name": "CPU Graphics",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 0.119861834
    "Name": "CPU Core #1",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 54.6875

As you can see every dictionary in the list has the keys Name , SensorType and Value . 如您所见,列表中的每个字典都有NameSensorTypeValue

What I want to do is make it so that each list has a "label" equal to the Name in each one, so I can call for data from specific entries, one at a time. 我想要做的是使每个列表的“标签”等于每个列表中的Name ,因此我可以一次调用一个特定条目的数据。 Once again, I'm kind of a newbie with JSON and its library so I'm not even sure if this sort of thing is possible. 再一次,我是JSON及其库的新手,所以我甚至不确定这种事情是否可行。 Any help would be greatly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激! Have a good day! 祝你有美好的一天! :) :)

Edit 1: Here is an example, using the first 2, of what I would like the program to be able to output. 编辑1:这是一个例子,使用前两个,我希望程序能够输出。

    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 53.3276978
  "CPU Core #2":{
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 69

Once again, I dont even know if this is valid JSON but I want it to just do something at least similar to that so I can call, for example, print(data["Memory"]["Value"]) and return, 53.3276978 . 再一次,我甚至不知道这是否是有效的JSON,但我希望它只是做一些至少类似的事情,所以我可以调用,例如, print(data["Memory"]["Value"])并返回, 53.3276978

Edit 2: It did just occur to me that there are some names with multiple sensor types, for example, "CPU Core #1" and "CPU Core #2" both have "Tempurature" , "Load" , and "Clock" . 编辑2:我确实发现有一些具有多种传感器类型的名称,例如, "CPU Core #1""CPU Core #2"都具有"Tempurature""Load""Clock" Using the above example could cause some conflicts so is there a way we could account for that? 使用上面的例子可能会导致一些冲突,那么有什么方法可以解释这个问题?

Assuming you need to keep the values if key already exists: 假设您需要保留值,如果密钥已存在:

import json
data = [
    "Name": "Memory",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 53.3276978
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 69
    "Name": "Used Space",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 93.12801
    "Name": "CPU Core #1",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 66
    "Name": "CPU DRAM",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 1.05141532
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 60.15625
    "Name": "CPU Package",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 15.2162886
    "Name": "Bus Speed",
    "SensorType": "Clock",
    "Value": 100.000031
    "Name": "CPU Total",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 57.421875
    "Name": "CPU Package",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 69
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Clock",
    "Value": 2700.00073
    "Name": "Temperature",
    "SensorType": "Temperature",
    "Value": 41
    "Name": "Used Memory",
    "SensorType": "Data",
    "Value": 4.215393
    "Name": "Available Memory",
    "SensorType": "Data",
    "Value": 3.68930435
    "Name": "CPU Core #1",
    "SensorType": "Clock",
    "Value": 3100.001
    "Name": "CPU Cores",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 13.3746643
    "Name": "CPU Graphics",
    "SensorType": "Power",
    "Value": 0.119861834
    "Name": "CPU Core #1",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 54.6875

final_data = {}

for d in data:
    if d['Name'] not in final_data:
        final_data[d['Name']] = list()

    key = d.pop('Name')

print json.dumps(final_data,indent=4)

will give you 会给你

"CPU Package": [
        "SensorType": "Power",
        "Value": 15.2162886
        "SensorType": "Temperature",
        "Value": 69
"Temperature": [
        "SensorType": "Temperature",
        "Value": 41
"CPU Core #2": [
        "SensorType": "Temperature",
        "Value": 69
        "SensorType": "Load",
        "Value": 60.15625
        "SensorType": "Clock",
        "Value": 2700.00073
"CPU Core #1": [
        "SensorType": "Temperature",
        "Value": 66
        "SensorType": "Clock",
        "Value": 3100.001
        "SensorType": "Load",
        "Value": 54.6875
"CPU Cores": [
        "SensorType": "Power",
        "Value": 13.3746643
"Available Memory": [
        "SensorType": "Data",
        "Value": 3.68930435
"Used Space": [
        "SensorType": "Load",
        "Value": 93.12801
"Bus Speed": [
        "SensorType": "Clock",
        "Value": 100.000031
"Memory": [
        "SensorType": "Load",
        "Value": 53.3276978
"Used Memory": [
        "SensorType": "Data",
        "Value": 4.215393
"CPU Total": [
        "SensorType": "Load",
        "Value": 57.421875
        "SensorType": "Power",
        "Value": 1.05141532
"CPU Graphics": [
        "SensorType": "Power",
        "Value": 0.119861834

Hope this helps 希望这可以帮助

You can build a new dictionary in the shape you want like this: 你可以像这样建立一个你想要的形状的新字典:

data = {
    element["Name"]: {
        key: value for key, value in element.items() if key != "Name"
    for element in json.loads(output)
fdata = json.dumps(data, indent=4)

Result: 结果:

    "Memory": {
        "SensorType": "Load",
        "Value": 53.3276978
    "CPU Core #2": {
        "SensorType": "Clock",
        "Value": 2700.00073
    (and so on)
    "Name": "Memory 1",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 53.3276978
    "Name": "CPU Core #2",
    "SensorType": "Load",
    "Value": 53.3276978


for item in json_obj:


Output 产量

    "Memory 1": {
        "SensorType": "Load", 
        "Value": 53.3276978
    "CPU Core #2": {
        "SensorType": "Load", 
        "Value": 53.3276978

How about this? 这个怎么样?

import json
orig_list = json.load(<filename>)
new_dict = { l['Name']:{k:v for k,v in l.items() if k!='Name'} for l in orig_list}
json.dumps(new_dict, <filename>)

This way, you won't have to del items from the dict s that you load from the file. 这样,您就不必从文件中加载的dict del项目。

You can just replace 你可以替换

for mNull in data:
    del mNull['Scope']
    del mNull['Path']
    del mNull['Options']
    del mNull['ClassPath']
    del mNull['Properties']
    del mNull['SystemProperties']
    del mNull['Qualifiers']
    del mNull['Site']
    del mNull['Container']
    del mNull['PSComputerName']
    del mNull['__GENUS']
    del mNull['__CLASS']
    del mNull['__SUPERCLASS']
    del mNull['__DYNASTY']
    del mNull['__RELPATH']
    del mNull['__PROPERTY_COUNT']
    del mNull['__DERIVATION']
    del mNull['__SERVER']
    del mNull['__NAMESPACE']
    del mNull['__PATH']

fdata = json.dumps(data,indent=2)


dontwant=set(['Name', 'PSComputerName', '__RELPATH', '__DYNASTY', '__CLASS', '__PROPERTY_COUNT', 'Site', 'ClassPath', 'SystemProperties', 'Scope', 'Qualifiers', 'Options', '__NAMESPACE', 'Path', '__SUPERCLASS', '__DERIVATION', '__GENUS', '__PATH', 'Container', 'Properties', '__SERVER']) # set of keys to drop
out={} # empty dict
for mNull in data:
    out[name]={key:value for key,value in mNull.items() if key not in dontwant} # only copy over items you want

fdata = json.dumps(out,indent=2)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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