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Excel VlookUp将单元格从另一个工作簿中保留到VBA中

[英]Excel VlookUp left cell into VBA from another workbook

Hi everybody, my VLookUp function is working so far, now I would like to convert it into a VBA function. 大家好,我的VLookUp函数到目前为止工作,现在我想将它转换为VBA函数。

My VLookUp: 我的VLookUp:

=VLOOKUP(A6;'[test.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$B;2;0) 'example for Cell A6, which can vary

Now I would like to get this into a VBA function which can be called. 现在我想把它变成一个可以被调用的VBA函数。 So if the function is called "A6" sould be "overwriten" by the left cell of where the function has been called. 因此,如果函数被称为“A6”,则可以通过调用函数的左侧单元格“覆盖”。

I have tried following code: 我试过以下代码:

Sub lookup()
        Dim x1 As String
        x1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
End Sub

What is necessary that it's working as expected? 它有什么必要按预期工作?

I'm grateful for any tips. 我很感激任何提示。

Update: 更新:

Sorry, mabye it wasn't clear. 对不起,mabye不清楚。 "test.xls" is another workbook. “test.xls”是另一本工作簿。 The code should run inside the file called (eg) "missing.xls". 代码应该在名为(missing)“missing.xls”的文件中运行。

There are two methods. 有两种方法。

method 1: using .formula 方法1:使用.formula

sub method1()
    dim x1 as range

    set x1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)
    x1.formula = "=VLOOKUP(A6,'[test.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$B,2,0)"
end sub

method 2: using .value 方法2:使用.value

sub method2()
    dim x1 as range

    set x1 = activecell.offset(0, -1)
    x1.value = application.vlookup(range("A6").value, workbooks("test.xls").worksheets("Sheet1").range("A:B"),2,0)
end sub

This one should do it: 这个应该这样做:

Function MyLookup()

    Dim source As Workbook

    Dim current As Range

    Set current = Application.Caller
    Set source = Workbooks("test.xls")

    MyLookup = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(current.Offset(0, -1).Value, source.Sheets(1).Range("A:B"), 2, False)

End Function

So Application.Caller gets the cell where the function is located and from there you can perform VLOOKUP() with Offset from that cell. 因此, Application.Caller获取函数所在的单元格,然后从那里可以使用该单元格的Offset执行VLOOKUP()


For this lookup to work test.xls needs to be open. 要使这个查找工作test.xls需要打开。

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