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Excel VlookUp left cell into VBA from another workbook

Hi everybody, my VLookUp function is working so far, now I would like to convert it into a VBA function.

My VLookUp:

=VLOOKUP(A6;'[test.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$B;2;0) 'example for Cell A6, which can vary

Now I would like to get this into a VBA function which can be called. So if the function is called "A6" sould be "overwriten" by the left cell of where the function has been called.

I have tried following code:

Sub lookup()
        Dim x1 As String
        x1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
End Sub

What is necessary that it's working as expected?

I'm grateful for any tips.


Sorry, mabye it wasn't clear. "test.xls" is another workbook. The code should run inside the file called (eg) "missing.xls".

There are two methods.

method 1: using .formula

sub method1()
    dim x1 as range

    set x1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)
    x1.formula = "=VLOOKUP(A6,'[test.xls]Sheet1'!$A:$B,2,0)"
end sub

method 2: using .value

sub method2()
    dim x1 as range

    set x1 = activecell.offset(0, -1)
    x1.value = application.vlookup(range("A6").value, workbooks("test.xls").worksheets("Sheet1").range("A:B"),2,0)
end sub

This one should do it:

Function MyLookup()

    Dim source As Workbook

    Dim current As Range

    Set current = Application.Caller
    Set source = Workbooks("test.xls")

    MyLookup = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(current.Offset(0, -1).Value, source.Sheets(1).Range("A:B"), 2, False)

End Function

So Application.Caller gets the cell where the function is located and from there you can perform VLOOKUP() with Offset from that cell.


For this lookup to work test.xls needs to be open.

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