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[英]How to Get common Items from a stream of objects in Java8

I have 2 streams of Coll objects and i want to find the common objects on the basis of one the instance variable say i here. 我有2个Coll对象流,我想根据实例变量在这里说i的一个来找到公共对象。 I need to do this using Java 8 streams. 我需要使用Java 8流来执行此操作。 Further I need to update the j variable by say a multiplier of 1000 for the common elements. 此外,我需要通过对公共元素乘以1000的乘数来更新j变量。

class Coll
Integer i;
Integer j;

public Coll(Integer i, Integer j) {
    this.i = i;
    this.j = j;

public Integer getI() {
    return i;

public void setI(Integer i) {
    this.i = i;

public Integer getJ() {
    return j;

public void setJ(Integer j) {
    this.j = j;

} }

I am wring something like : 我在拧类似的东西:

 public static void main(String args[])
    Stream<Coll> stream1 = Stream.of(new Coll(1,10),new Coll(2,20),new Coll(3,30) );
    Stream<Coll> stream2 = Stream.of(new Coll(2,20),new Coll(3,30),new Coll(4,40) );

    Stream<Coll> common = stream1
    common.forEach( x-> x.setJ(x.getJ()*1000));
    common.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));


Am doing something wrong around equals method!! 我在做等于方法时出错了!! I guess Java8 doesn't support methods with parameters like equals does!! 我猜Java8不支持带有equals参数的方法!

I am getting a compilation error: expected a ')' or ';' 我收到编译错误: expected a ')' or ';' around equals method 约等于法

Move the logic to collect all the i of Stream2 outside. 将逻辑移到外部收集Stream2的所有i Then filter all Coll in stream1 if it's i is present in the other list. 然后如果其他列表中存在i则过滤stream1中的所有Coll

List<Integer> secondCollStreamI = stream2
Stream<Coll> common = stream1
            .filter(coll -> secondCollStreamI.contains(coll.getI()));

common.forEach( x-> x.setJ(x.getJ()*1000));
common.forEach(x -> System.out.println(x));

The last statement will result in an IllegalStateException ( stream has already been operated upon or closed ) since you cannot reuse the stream. 由于您无法重用该流,因此最后一条语句将导致IllegalStateExceptionstream has already been operated upon or closed )。 You need to somewhere collect it to a List<Coll> ... Something like... 您需要在某个地方将其收集到List<Coll> ...类似...

List<Coll> common = stream1
            .filter(coll -> secondCollStreamI.contains(coll.getI()))

common.forEach(x -> x.setJ(x.getJ() * 1000));

Or, if you want to do everything on the fly without collecting it 或者,如果您想在不收集的情况下即时进行所有操作

        .filter(coll -> secondCollStreamI.contains(coll.getI()))
        .forEach(x->  {

You can do it like so, 你可以这样做

Map<Integer, Coll> colsByI = listTwo.stream()
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Coll::getI, Function.identity()));
List<Coll> commonElements = listOne.stream()
    .filter(c -> Objects.nonNull(colsByI.get(c.getI())) && c.getI().equals(colsByI.get(c.getI()).getI()))
    .map(c -> new Coll(c.getI(), c.getJ() * 1000))

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