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如何使用ping访问权限和在标头中传递的用户名,使用Spring Security对预认证的LDAP用户进行身份验证?

[英]How do I authenticate a preauthenticated LDAP user using spring security using ping access and username passed in the header?

I was previously using basic auth but I need to switch to federated auth using Ping Access. 我以前使用的是基本身份验证,但我需要使用Ping Access切换到联合身份验证。 The user is already authenticated and the username along with the token are sent in the request header. 用户已经通过身份验证,并且用户名和令牌一起在请求标头中发送。 How do I link the username to an ldap user principal using spring security? 如何使用Spring Security将用户名链接到ldap用户主体?

So, there are a number of things to consider as you are considering your implementation. 因此,在考虑实现时,需要考虑很多事情。 Here is a very basic rundown of the pieces in play. 这是正在播放的曲目的非常基本的摘要。

Filter Chain 过滤链

The filter chain is typically for differentiating between servlets and the rest of the app. 过滤器链通常用于区分Servlet和应用程序的其余部分。 If you have extended OncePerRequestFilter then you are likely already on the right path. 如果扩展了OncePerRequestFilter那么您可能已经在正确的路径上了。

If you intend to follow the typical Spring Security model, this filter would prepare an Authentication object that can then be authenticated in an AuthenticationManager . 如果您打算遵循典型的Spring Security模型,则此过滤器将准备一个Authentication对象,然后可以在AuthenticationManager中进行AuthenticationManager You might try and use an existing Authentication implementation like PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken , or you might create your own and call it JwtAuthenticationToken . 您可以尝试使用现有的Authentication实现,例如PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken ,或者可以创建自己的实现并将其JwtAuthenticationToken

Authentication Manager 认证管理器

AuthenticationManager is essentially a collection of providers that can authenticate a token, like your Jwt token. AuthenticationManager本质上是可以对令牌(例如Jwt令牌)进行身份验证的提供程序的集合。 Their contract is separate from servlets and are therefore a bit more flexible. 他们的合同与servlet是分开的,因此更加灵活。

You would probably create a JwtAuthenticationProvider that would validate the token and then invoke a UserDetailsService to get the underlying user. 您可能会创建一个JwtAuthenticationProvider来验证令牌,然后调用UserDetailsService来获取基础用户。

Spring Security doesn't have dedicated support for JWTs, but they do have some libraries that use Nimbus. Spring Security没有对JWT的专用支持,但是它们确实有一些使用Nimbus的库。 You could check out the code in spring-security-oauth2-resource-server to see how they are verifying JWTs using a JWK Set Uri. 您可以在spring-security-oauth2-resource-server中检查代码,以了解他们如何使用JWK Set Uri验证JWT。 You wouldn't want to depend on that library since it is focused on OAuth, but it might give you some ideas. 您不想依赖该库,因为它专注于OAuth,但它可能会给您一些想法。

User Details Service 用户详细信息服务

A UserDetailsService implementation is responsible for querying a backend and retrieving from it a user. UserDetailsService实现负责查询后端并从中检索用户。 For example, there is LdapUserDetailsService that you could possibly use. 例如,您可能会使用LdapUserDetailsService

Summary 摘要

So, with all of that said, here is a summary of what I would probably do: 综上所述,以下是我可能会做的摘要:

  1. Create a JwtAuthenticationToken object that can house the jwt token and possibly represent a successful authentication when Spring Security completes the verification process. 创建一个JwtAuthenticationToken对象,该对象可以容纳jwt令牌,并在Spring Security完成验证过程时可能表示成功的身份验证。

  2. Create a JwtAuthenticationFilter that reads the token from the request and populates JwtAuthenticationToken , sending it to an AuthenticationManager . 创建一个JwtAuthenticationFilter ,从请求中读取令牌并填充JwtAuthenticationToken ,然后将其发送到AuthenticationManager

  3. Create a JwtAuthenticationProvider that reads a JwtAuthenticationToken and sends it to Nimbus (or Auth0 or some other jwt library) for validation. 创建一个JwtAuthenticationProvider ,它读取一个JwtAuthenticationToken并将其发送到Nimbus(或Auth0或其他jwt库)进行验证。 You will need to decide how you trust that token--Nimbus is capable of checking remotely via a JWK Set Uri or locally via a pre-configured set of public or symmetric keys. 您将需要决定如何信任该令牌-Nimbus能够通过JWK Set Uri进行远程检查,或者通过预先配置的一组公共或对称密钥在本地进行检查。 (Lots to think about here, too!) (也想在这里考虑!)

  4. Use the LdapUserDetailsService , passing it the name of the parsed subject. 使用LdapUserDetailsService ,将解析后的主题的名称传递给它。 The UserDetails that comes back can be supplied as the principal for the Authentication object that your provider returns. 可以将返回的UserDetails作为提供程序返回的Authentication对象的主体提供。

Alternatives 备择方案

So, let's say that you don't want/need to follow the Spring Security development model, but just want to get something working asap. 因此,假设您不想/不需要遵循Spring Security开发模型,而只是想尽快获得一些成果。

The two things that you ultimately need to accomplish are 您最终需要完成的两件事是

  1. Decide whether or not the token is valid. 确定令牌是否有效。 Spring Security has no OAuth2-free support for this yet, so you will need to roll your own using Nimbus or the like. Spring Security还没有对此提供免费的OAuth2支持,因此您将需要使用Nimbus或类似工具来推出自己的版本。
  2. Configure and invoke LdapUserDetailsService . 配置并调用LdapUserDetailsService From the UserDetails this gives you, you can build an Authentication object that you can set on the SecurityContextHolder . 通过UserDetails ,您可以构建可以在SecurityContextHolder上设置的Authentication对象。

Such would be not as flexible over time, but it might get you started a bit faster. 随着时间的推移,这种灵活性将变得不那么灵活,但是它可能会使您入门更快。

Other things to think about 其他需要考虑的事情

You didn't ask about this, but I wonder what you are planning on doing if the token is somehow invalid. 您没有问这个问题,但是我想知道如果令牌无效,您打算做什么。 For those cases, you may want to look at AuthenticationEntryPoint s and AccessDeniedHandler s. 对于这些情况,您可能需要查看AuthenticationEntryPointAccessDeniedHandler


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