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使用 C# 静默卸载 InstallShield Installscript MSI 程序

[英]Uninstalling an InstallShield Installscript MSI program using C# silently

This is going to be very specific to InstallShield, so I doubt anyone has dealt with this before, but I wrote a batch file to uninstall prior versions of our product and it doesn't work.这将非常特定于 InstallShield,所以我怀疑以前有人处理过这个问题,但我写了一个批处理文件来卸载我们产品的先前版本,但它不起作用。 (We always uninstall prior versions prior to an install/upgrade since the Upgrades in InstallShield don't seem to work). (我们总是在安装/升级之前卸载以前的版本,因为 InstallShield 中的升级似乎不起作用)。 Uninstalling Installscript MSI projects is very different from typical uninstalls in that you need to "record" an uninstall and store the results in a file ie:卸载 Installscript MSI 项目与典型的卸载非常不同,因为您需要“记录”卸载并将结果存储在文件中,即:

setup.exe /x /r /f1"C:\temp\UNINST.ISS"

This stores the uninstall image in c:\\temp\\UNINST.ISS and then you need to pass that to the uninstaller to get the product to uninstall:这将卸载映像存储在 c:\\temp\\UNINST.ISS 中,然后您需要将其传递给卸载程序以卸载产品:

setup.exe /s /f1"UNINST.ISS"

So I did this for all prior versions of our product and then wrote a batch script (with the product code being {7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708} to do the uninstalls that looks like this:所以我对我们产品的所有先前版本都这样做了,然后编写了一个批处理脚本(产品代码为 {7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708} 来执行如下所示的卸载:

echo Uninstalling 5.3.0
if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\ {7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup.exe" (
    del /q "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup-5.3.0.exe"
    copy /y "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup-5.3.0.exe"
    echo Uninstalling 5.3.0
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup-5.3.0.exe" /s /f1".\Uninstall response files\5.3.0\UNINST-5.3.0.ISS"
        timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK > nul
        tasklist | find /i "Setup-5.3.0.exe" >nul 2>nul
        if not errorlevel 1 goto wait1

echo Uninstalling 5.3.1...

The problem is that it doesn't work.问题是它不起作用。 If I execute the uninstall from an elevated CMD window it works fine:如果我从提升的 CMD 窗口执行卸载它工作正常:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup-5.3.0.exe" /s /f1".\Uninstall response files\5.3.0\UNINST-5.3.0.ISS"

But when I execute the batch script it just seems to pass right by the uninstall and not do anything.但是当我执行批处理脚本时,它似乎只是通过卸载而没有做任何事情。 SO I thought I'd try to write a simple C# program to do this but that's not working either:所以我想我会尝试编写一个简单的 C# 程序来做到这一点,但这也不起作用:

Console.WriteLine("Uninstalling 5.3.0");
if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup.exe"))
        File.Copy(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup.exe", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup-5.3.0.exe", true);

        ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
        startInfo.FileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{7F2A0A82-BB08-4062-85F8-F21BFC3F3708}\setup-5.3.0.exe";
        startInfo.Arguments = "/s / f1\".\\Uninstall response files\\5.3.0\\UNINST-5.3.0.ISS\"";
        startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;
        using (Process process = new Process())
            process.StartInfo = startInfo;

I've tried debugging this and confirmed that the current directory is correct (using Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() ), but I get this error:我试过调试这个并确认当前目录是正确的(使用Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() ),但我收到这个错误:

process.StandardError' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'    System.IO.StreamReader {System.InvalidOperationException}

There are some further instructions towards the bottom of this PDF: https://resources.flexera.com/web/pdf/archive/silent_installs.pdf此 PDF 底部有一些进一步的说明: https : //resources.flexera.com/web/pdf/archive/silent_installs.pdf

setup.exe /s /f1"C:\sample\uninstall.iss" /f2"C:\sample\uninstall.log"

Did you try it manually with full paths for both the /f1 and /f2 parameters?您是否手动尝试使用/f1/f2参数的完整路径?

I am actively trying to forget how to write batch files, but I think you can get the folder where the batch file is running from like this:我正在积极尝试忘记如何编写批处理文件,但我认为您可以像这样获取运行批处理文件的文件夹:

set here=%~dp0
cd %here%

Could changing the setup.exe file name cause problems?更改 setup.exe 文件名会导致问题吗? Maybe you can try without changing the name of the setup.exe and see if that completes?也许您可以在不更改 setup.exe 名称的情况下尝试并查看是否完成?

Could passing the command to cmd.exe via the /c parameter be an idea?可以通过 /c 参数将命令传递给cmd.exe是一个想法吗? (" carries out the command specified by the string and then terminates "): ("执行字符串指定的命令,然后终止"):

cmd.exe /c "%here%\setup.exe /s /f1"C:\sample\uninstall.iss" /f2"C:\sample\uninstall.log""

Maybe try adding the /SMS switch to ensure that the setup.exe does not exit prematurely before the actual uninstall is complete.也许尝试添加/SMS 开关以确保 setup.exe 在实际卸载完成之前不会过早退出。 As rumor has it this /SMS switch is not needed for late-generation Installshield setup.exe, but it is needed for older versions.有传言说,后期的 Installshield setup.exe 不需要这个 /SMS 开关,但旧版本需要它。

As Gravity pointed out the problem was a space between the / and the f1.正如 Gravity 指出的,问题在于 / 和 f1 之间的空格。 It got added somehow during the cut & paste.它是在剪切和粘贴过程中以某种方式添加的。

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