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[英]Efficient dataframe looping in R

I would like to loop through the following data.frame and group by sequential entries, as determined by the value in X2. 我想遍历以下data.frame并按由X2中的值确定的顺序条目进行分组。 So in the following data.frame, we can see four groups: 1-3, 5-6, 9-13, and 16. We could have any combination of group sizes and number of groups. 因此,在以下data.frame中,我们可以看到四个组:1-3、5-6、9-13和16。我们可以具有组大小和组数的任意组合。

                                            X1 X2               X3                       X4
1   1_21/08/2014 22:56CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing  1 21/08/2014 22:56 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
2   2_21/08/2014 22:57CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing  2 21/08/2014 22:57 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
3   3_21/08/2014 22:58CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing  3 21/08/2014 22:58 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
4   5_21/08/2014 23:07CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing  5 21/08/2014 23:07 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
5   6_21/08/2014 23:08CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing  6 21/08/2014 23:08 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
6   9_21/08/2014 23:29CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing  9 21/08/2014 23:29 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
7  10_21/08/2014 23:30CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing 10 21/08/2014 23:30 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
8  11_21/08/2014 23:31CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing 11 21/08/2014 23:31 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
9  12_21/08/2014 23:33CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing 12 21/08/2014 23:33 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
10 13_21/08/2014 23:34CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing 13 21/08/2014 23:34 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing
11 16_21/08/2014 23:40CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing 16 21/08/2014 23:40 CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing

I would like to capture the timestamps in X3 so they can describe the time range (ie the first and last timestamp of each group) and produce this output. 我想捕获X3中的时间戳,以便它们可以描述时间范围(即每个组的第一个和最后一个时间戳)并产生此输出。 start_ts is the first timestamp and stop_ts is the last in each group: start_ts是每个组中的第一个时间戳记,stop_ts是每个组中的最后一个时间戳记:

student_id session_id start_ts           stop_ts             week micro_process
1          4         16 21/08/2014 22:56 21/08/2014 22:58    4          TASK
2          4         16 21/08/2014 23:07 21/08/2014 23:08    4          TASK
3          4         16 21/08/2014 23:29 21/08/2014 23:34    4          TASK
3          4         16 21/08/2014 23:40 21/08/2014 23:40    4          TASK

I haven't yet attempted the loop but would like to see how to do it without traditional looping. 我还没有尝试过循环,但是想看看如何在不使用传统循环的情况下进行循环。 My code currently only captures the range of the whole group: 我的代码当前仅捕获整个组的范围:

  student_id session_id         start_ts          stop_ts week micro_process
1          4         16 21/08/2014 22:58 21/08/2014 23:30    4          TASK

The other variables (student ID etc.) have been dummified in my example and are not strictly relevant but I would like to leave them in for completeness. 在我的示例中,其他变量(学生ID等)已被虚拟化,并没有严格的相关性,但是为了完整起见,我想保留它们。

Code (which can be run directly): 代码(可以直接运行):

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 

eventised_session <- data.frame(student_id=integer(),

string_match.df <- structure(list(X1 = c("1_21/08/2014 22:56CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                                         "2_21/08/2014 22:57CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "3_21/08/2014 22:58CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                                         "5_21/08/2014 23:07CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "6_21/08/2014 23:08CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                                         "9_21/08/2014 23:29CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "10_21/08/2014 23:30CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                                         "11_21/08/2014 23:31CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "12_21/08/2014 23:33CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                                         "13_21/08/2014 23:34CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "16_21/08/2014 23:40CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing"
), X2 = c("1", "2", "3", "5", "6", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", 
          "16"), X3 = c("21/08/2014 22:56", "21/08/2014 22:57", "21/08/2014 22:58", 
                        "21/08/2014 23:07", "21/08/2014 23:08", "21/08/2014 23:29", "21/08/2014 23:30", 
                        "21/08/2014 23:31", "21/08/2014 23:33", "21/08/2014 23:34", "21/08/2014 23:40"
          ), X4 = c("CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                    "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                    "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", 
                    "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing", "CONTENT_ACCESS.preparing"
          )), .Names = c("X1", "X2", "X3", "X4"), row.names = c(NA, -11L
          ), class = "data.frame")

r_student_id <- 4
r_session_id <- 16
r_week <- 4
r_mic_proc <- "TASK"


#Get the first and last timestamp in matched sequence
r_start_ts <- string_match.df[1, ncol(string_match.df)-1]
r_stop_ts <- string_match.df[nrow(string_match.df), ncol(string_match.df)-1]

eventised_session[nrow(eventised_session)+1,] <- c(r_student_id, r_session_id, r_start_ts, r_stop_ts, r_week, r_mic_proc)


I would appreciate you expertise on this one. 非常感谢您在这方面的专业知识。 I have only ever used traditional loops. 我只使用过传统的循环。

We convert to numeric, subtract off a sequence so that adjacent numbers will be converted to the same number. 我们转换为数字,减去一个序列,以便将相邻数字转换为相同的数字。 Since you don't provide desired output and reference column names that differ from the names of your example data, I'm guessing at the end result (based on the other answer): 由于您没有提供与示例数据名称不同的所需输出和引用列名称,因此我猜测最终结果(基于其他答案):

string_match.df$X2 = as.numeric(string_match.df$X2)
string_match.df$grp = string_match.df$X2 - 1:nrow(string_match.df)

string_match.df %>%
  group_by(grp) %>% 
  summarize(start = first(X3), stop = last(X3))
#     grp start            stop            
#   <dbl> <chr>            <chr>           
# 1     0 21/08/2014 22:56 21/08/2014 22:58
# 2     1 21/08/2014 23:07 21/08/2014 23:08
# 3     3 21/08/2014 23:29 21/08/2014 23:34
# 4     5 21/08/2014 23:40 21/08/2014 23:40

As a side note, be careful with the term "matrix". 作为附带说明,请小心使用“矩阵”一词。 You used the matrix tag and used the word matrix several times in your question, but you don't have a matrix , nor should you be using one. 您在问题中使用了matrix标记并多次使用了单词matrix ,但是您没有matrix ,也不应使用它。 You have a data.frame . 您有一个data.frame In a matrix , all data must be the same type. matrix ,所有数据必须为同一类型。 In a data frame, the columns can have different types. 在数据框中,列可以具有不同的类型。 Here you have a numeric column, two string columns, and one datetime column, so a matrix would be a poor choice. 在这里,您有一个数字列,两个字符串列和一个datetime列,因此矩阵是一个不好的选择。 A data frame, where each of those columns can be of the appropriate class, is much better. 每个列都可以属于适当类别的数据框要好得多。

I'm using a shorter name for the data, and converting df$X2 to numeric: 我为数据使用了一个较短的名称,并将df $ X2转换为数字:

df <- string_match.df  # as defined in OP
df$X2 <- as.numeric(df$X2)

You can split your data frame using a combination of cumsum and diff : 您可以结合使用cumsumdiff来拆分数据帧:

#  [1] 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3
# presumes that df$X2[1] is 1, but you can  easily make up a general case:
#  cumsum(diff(c(df$X2[1]-1,df$X2))>1)

And now just use split and lapply : 现在只需使用splitlapply

do.call(rbind,lapply(split(df, cumsum(diff(c(0,df$X2))>1)), function(x) {foo <- x$X3; data.frame(start_ts=foo[1], stop_ts=tail(foo,1))}))
# output:
          start_ts          stop_ts
0 21/08/2014 22:56 21/08/2014 22:58
1 21/08/2014 23:07 21/08/2014 23:08
2 21/08/2014 23:29 21/08/2014 23:34
3 21/08/2014 23:40 21/08/2014 23:40

The rest is a question of formatting the output as you wish. 剩下的就是根据需要格式化输出的问题。

Your new question can be done pretty easily in tidyverse . 您的新问题可以在tidyverse轻松tidyverse The main thing you have to do is divide your observations into groups based on the timestamp variable. 您要做的主要事情是根据timestamp变量将观察结果分组。 I assumed that the rule would be to start a new group if more than 2 minutes passed since the last observation. 我假设规则是自上次观察以来超过2分钟会开始一个新小组。 You can change that easily if you need to. 您可以根据需要轻松地进行更改。

Once the observations are grouped, you can simply use summarize to return the results on calculations by group (in this case, the first and last timepoints): 将观察结果分组后,您可以简单地使用summarize以按组返回计算结果(在这种情况下,第一个和最后一个时间点):


string_match.df %>%
    select('id' = X2,                              # Select and rename variables
           'timestamp' = X3) %>%
    mutate(timestamp = dmy_hm(timestamp),          # Parse timestamp as date
           time_diff = timestamp - lag(timestamp), # Calculate time from last obs
           new_obs = time_diff > 2) |              # New obs. if >2 min from last one
                     is.na(time_diff),             #   or, if it's the 1st obs.
           group_id = cumsum(new_obs)) %>%         # Count new groups for group ID
    group_by(group_id) %>%                         # Group by 'group_id'
    summarize(start_ts = min(timestamp),           # Then return the first and last
              stop_ts = max(timestamp))            #  timestamps for each group

# A tibble: 4 x 3
  group_id start_ts            stop_ts            
     <int> <dttm>              <dttm>             
1        1 2014-08-21 22:56:00 2014-08-21 22:58:00
2        2 2014-08-21 23:07:00 2014-08-21 23:08:00
3        3 2014-08-21 23:29:00 2014-08-21 23:34:00
4        4 2014-08-21 23:40:00 2014-08-21 23:40:00

Since there was no discussion in your question about how student_id , session_id , week , and micro_process are determined, I left them out from my example. 由于您的问题中没有讨论如何确定student_idsession_idweekmicro_process ,因此我从示例中省略了它们。 You can easily add them onto the table after, or add new rules to the summarize call if they are determined by parsing data for the group. 之后,您可以轻松地将它们添加到表中,或者如果新规则是通过分析组的数据确定的,则可以将它们添加到summarize调用中。

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