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[英]how to add arguments in python3.7

How can i add system arguments in python3.7? 如何在python3.7中添加系统参数? Im trying to make an IP finder and i want the syntax to be like this: 我试图做一个IP查找器,我希望语法是这样的:

python3 ipfind.py -u www.google.com

and it prints the google ip. 并显示google ip。

Thanks! 谢谢!

You can use argparse or OptionParser. 您可以使用argparse或OptionParser。 Please see the documentation for the OptionParser at the following URL: 请通过以下网址查看OptionParser的文档:

OptionParser OptionParser

Here is the simple code to get the IP of a given URL. 这是获取给定URL IP的简单代码。

''' Simple program to return the IP.
You need to add lot more exception handling. 
import socket
from optparse import OptionParser

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url",
              help="specify url to find the IP", action="store")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if options.url:
        ip = socket.gethostbyname(options.url)
        print("URL: %s IP: %s" %(options.url, ip))
    print("Unable to get IP address for URL %s" %(options.url))

A sample run: 运行示例:

$python test3.py -u google.com
URL: google.com IP:

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