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iOS / Windows Store应用程序:我可以知道我的其他应用程序是否已安装在此设备/用户帐户上吗?

[英]iOS / Windows Store App: can I know whether my other app installed on this device/user account?

I have several apps and I want to know from app A whether app B or C are installed. 我有几个应用程序,我想从应用程序A中了解是否安装了应用程序B或C。 In Android I can check does package exist, but is there something like this in iOS and windows store app? 在Android中,我可以检查软件包是否存在,但是iOS和Windows Store应用程序中是否有类似的东西? I'm using Xamarin for iOS. 我正在使用Xamarin for iOS。

For iOS you can get your apps to confirm unique URL schemes and check whether they can be opened. 对于iOS,您可以让您的应用确认唯一的URL方案并检查是否可以打开它们。

References: 参考文献:

URL schemes - https://www.appcoda.com/working-url-schemes-ios/ URL方案-https: //www.appcoda.com/working-url-schemes-ios/

Can open url - https://developer.xamarin.com/api/member/UIKit.UIApplication.CanOpenUrl/p/Foundation.NSUrl/ 可以打开网址-https: //developer.xamarin.com/api/member/UIKit.UIApplication.CanOpenUrl/p/Foundation.NSUrl/

You can use system Keychain to achieve this. 您可以使用系统钥匙串实现此目的。 Values in system Keychain can be shared between collection of apps and you can set values like isAppBExists and isAppCExists to true/false in this apps. 系统钥匙串中的值可以在应用程序集合之间共享,并且您可以在此应用程序isAppBExistsisAppCExists类的值设置为true / false。 And then check this values in app A 然后在应用程序A中检查此值

Link to documentation 链接到文档

For UWP app, you can use PackageManager.FindPackagesForUser Method to find all packages installed for the specified user. 对于UWP应用,可以使用PackageManager.FindPackagesForUser方法查找为指定用户安装的所有软件包。

See the following similar topic: 请参阅以下类似主题:

how to get list of all installed apps and run them in UWP WinRT 8.1 如何获取所有已安装应用程序的列表并在UWP WinRT 8.1中运行它们

Get List of installed windows apps 获取已安装的Windows应用程序的列表


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