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[英]Airflow - xcom value acess into custom operator

I am using Airlfow, since last 6 months. 最近六个月以来,我一直在使用Airlfow。 I felt so happy to define the workflows in Airflow. 我非常高兴在Airflow中定义工作流程。 I have the below scenario where I am not able to get the xcom value (highlighted in yellow color). 我在以下情况下无法获得xcom值(以黄色突出显示)。

Please find the code below sample code: 请在下面的示例代码中找到代码:

Work Flow 工作流程

def push_function(**context):
context['ti'].xcom_push(key='reportid', value='xyz')

dummy_operator = DummyOperator(

push_function_task = PythonOperator(

push_function_task .set_upstream(dummy_operator)

custom_task = CustomOperator(


custom_task .set_upstream(push_function_task)

Notes : 1. CustomOperator is my own operator wtritten for downloading the data for the given URL 注意 :1. CustomOperator是我自己的操作员,负责下载给定URL的数据

Please help me. 请帮我。

Thanks, Samanth 谢谢,萨曼斯

I believe you have a mismatch in keys when pushing and pulling the XCom. 我相信您在推拉XCom时按键不匹配。 Each XCom value is tied to a DAG ID, task ID, and key. 每个XCom值都与DAG ID,任务ID和密钥相关联。 If you are pushing with report_id key, then you need to pull with it as well. 如果要使用report_id键推送,则也需要使用它。

Note, if a key is not specified to xcom_pull() , it uses the default of return_value . 注意,如果未为xcom_pull()指定键,则它将使用默认值return_value This is because if a task returns a result, Airflow will automatically push it to XCom under the return_value key. 这是因为如果任务返回结果,Airflow会在return_value键下将其自动推送到XCom。

This gives you two options to fix your issue: 这为您提供了两种解决问题的方法:

1) Continue to push to the report_id key and make sure you pull from it as well 1)继续按到report_id键,并确保也从中拉出

def push_function(**context):
    context['ti'].xcom_push(key='reportid', value='xyz')


custom_task = CustomOperator(
    url="http://www.google.com/{}".format("{{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='push_function', key='reportid') }}")

2) Have push_function() return the value you want to push to XCom, then pull from the default key. 2)让push_function()返回要推送到XCom的值,然后从默认键中拉出。

def push_function(**context):
    return 'xyz'


custom_task = CustomOperator(
    url="http://www.google.com/{}".format("{{ task_instance.xcom_pull(task_ids='push_function') }}")

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