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JavaFX ListView - 删除单元格之间的间距/填充/边距

[英]JavaFX ListView - remove spacing / padding / margin between cells

As I have custom cells for a particular ListView , I have big trouble to understand how to to remove the "natural" sort of margin / spacing there is between each cells, and, even worse, on the right and left sides of said cells.由于我有特定ListView自定义单元格,我很难理解如何删除每个单元格之间的“自然”类型的边距/间距,更糟糕的是,在所述单元格的右侧和左侧。

Here's an example:下面是一个例子:

显示单元格间距的图像 ] 1 ] 1

As you can see, I use a color to bring out each cell.如您所见,我使用一种颜色来显示每个单元格。 You cannot see the space at the end of the cells (on their right side), because I need to scroll, but you can trust me, the white space is equal on each side (bigger on the left & right, though...) which is not normal as I have specifically designed these cells so that their width is as large as the ListView so that there is no need to use horizontal scrolling.您看不到单元格末尾的空间(在它们的右侧),因为我需要滚动,但是您可以相信我,每一侧的空白区域都是相等的(左侧和右侧更大,但...... ) 这不正常,因为我专门设计了这些单元格,使其宽度与ListView一样大,因此无需使用水平滚动。 My issue kinds of defeat my purpouse...我的问题有点违背我的目的...

Each cell consists of one AnchorPane with the image and the one label.每个单元格由一个带有图像和一个标签的AnchorPane组成。 The AnchorPane is painted in yellow ( -fx-background-color: yellow; ). AnchorPane被涂成黄色( -fx-background-color: yellow; )。

And as you can clearly see, there is these white spaces all around the cells.正如您可以清楚地看到的那样,单元格周围有这些白色空间。

FYI, here I am using JavaFX 8 / 2.2 SDK but I intend to use JFoenix JFXListView & JFXListCell .仅供参考,这里我使用的是JavaFX 8 / 2.2 SDK,但我打算使用JFoenix JFXListViewJFXListCell However, the spacing is even worse using those.但是,使用这些间距会更糟。

Strange point: I also painted the ListView in green, but such color is nowhere.奇怪的一点:我也把ListView涂成绿色了,但是这样的颜色没有。 to be seen.被看到。 I guess all the cells (and the empty one) overwrites the ListView content, so it would make sense not to see its background.我猜所有单元格(和空单元格)都覆盖了ListView内容,所以不看它的背景是有意义的。 However, this means the cells are somehow "corrupted" since white spaces are "added" all around my cells.然而,这意味着单元格以某种方式“损坏”,因为在我的单元格周围“添加”了空格。

I have tried to set padding to 0 for everything but in vain.我试图将所有内容的填充设置为 0,但徒劳无功。

Finally, in the onUpdateItem method, I do call the super method and when the cell is not flagged as empty , I set the graphic to the aforementioned AnchorPane otherwise I set it to null, which is clearly consistent to my screenshot.最后,在onUpdateItem方法中,我确实调用了super 方法,当单元格没有标记为空时,我将图形设置为上述 AnchorPane ,否则将其设置为 null,这与我的屏幕截图明显一致。

Thanks for the help !谢谢您的帮助 !

If you look at the default CSS stylesheet for JavaFX, modena.css , you'll see:如果您查看 JavaFX 的默认 CSS 样式表modena.css ,您将看到:

.list-cell {
    -fx-padding: 0.25em 0.583em 0.25em 0.583em; /* 3 7 3 7 */

This is where the padding for the ListCell s is coming from.这就是ListCell的填充的来源。 To remove this padding simply add your own stylesheet which contains:要删除此填充,只需添加您自己的样式表,其中包含:

.list-cell {
    -fx-padding: 0px;

Or call setStyle for each of your ListCell s:或者为每个ListCell调用setStyle

setStyle("-fx-padding: 0px;");

The second option would best be done by using a custom cell factory .第二种选择最好通过使用自定义细胞工厂来完成。

listView.setCellFactory(v -> new ListCell<>() {

        setStyle("-fx-padding: 0px");

    protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
        super.updateItem(item, empty);
        if (empty || item == null) {
        } else {
            // your custom display logic


Also, after some quick testing with JFoenix it looks like using the above will also work for JFXListCell ;此外,在使用 JFoenix 进行一些快速测试后,看起来使用上述内容也适用于JFXListCell though you have to be careful about overriding updateItem because JFXListCell does a lot in its implementation.尽管您必须小心覆盖updateItem因为JFXListCell在其实现中做了很多工作。

I set the red background of the cell as default to make sure that the artifacts I see between cells are in fact created by the .list-cell .我将单元格的红色背景设置为默认值,以确保我在单元格之间看到的工件实际上是由.list-cell创建的。

No matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of it, even with the padding 0px .无论我多么努力,我都无法摆脱它,即使填充0px The red background was still visible every other cell in my case.在我的情况下,每个其他单元格仍然可以看到红色背景。

I suppose, it is a rounding error...我想,这是一个舍入错误......

So, the only thing that worked was using a negative padding to remove any spacing |因此,唯一有效的方法是使用负填充来移除任何间距 | padding |填充 | margin between cells.单元格之间的边距。

    -fx-font-weight: normal;
    -fx-text-fill: white;
    -fx-padding: -1px;
    -fx-background-color: red;

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