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[英]Are Promises in JavaScript like Exception Handling in Java?

Just like the try(), catch() and throw() in Java as an exception handling is like then() and catch() in JavaScript as a promise!? 就像Java中的try(),catch()和throw()作为异常处理一样,JavaScript中的then()和catch()作为承诺! Just a beginner asking some questions. 只是一个初学者问一些问题。 Please don't judge. 请不要判断。 xD xD

Not really.. In JavaScript we have try/catch block as well. 在JavaScript中,我们也有try / catch块。

Main benefits of Promises in JavaScript are things like Chaining. JavaScript中Promises的主要好处是诸如Chaining之类的东西。

The equivalent of Promises in Java is CompletableFuture . Java中的Promises等效于CompletableFuture read about :) 阅读 :)

No, they're quite different. 不,它们完全不同。 Exception handling handles exceptions. 异常处理处理异常。 Promises are a way to return values and act on them in an asynchronous environment, which JavaScript is. 承诺是一种在异步环境(JavaScript是)中返回值并对其执行操作的方法。

Suppose you want to customize the JS confirm box. 假设您要自定义JS确认框。 You could set up a jQuery dialog box, and return yes or no, depending on which button the user clicked. 您可以设置一个jQuery对话框,并根据用户单击哪个按钮返回是或否。 Like this: 像这样:

function msgBoxConfirm(msgText, e) {
    e.preventDefault();               // Cancel the default behavior
    e.stopPropagation();              // Stop any other events from firing down the line
        modal: true,
        title: boxTitle,
        buttons: {
            'Yes': function() {
                return true;
            'No': function() {
                return false;

Now, you call your message box function: 现在,您调用消息框函数:

var retval = msgBoxConfirm('Do you really want to do that?', e);
if (!retval) {
    //Do the no behavior
} else {
    //Do the yes behavior

What you will find is that this code will continue before it finds out the value of retval , so retval will have a value of undefined when you evaluate it with the if . 您会发现,此代码将在找到retval的值之前继续执行,因此当您使用if对其求值时, retval的值将为undefined This is what it means to be asynchronous; 这就是异步的含义。 the call to your function doesn't wait until the function is done executing before it moves on, potentially causing all sorts of bad behavior. 对函数的调用不会等到函数执行完毕后再继续运行,从而可能导致各种不良行为。

Promises are a way of waiting until the value is returned before checking it. 承诺是一种等待直到返回值之后再检查它的方法。 To see how to set up this example properly using promises, see this . 要了解如何使用Promise正确设置此示例,请参见this

try/catch detect the error itself and transfer control to catch part. try/catch检测错误本身并转移控制以捕获部分。 this syntax exists in js too. 这个语法也存在于js

but in then/catch , you must notify occurring an error yourself (with calling reject ). 但是在then/catch ,您必须自己通知发生错误(通过调用reject )。 This means you can notify error when you recognize an error is occurred. 这意味着您可以在发现error时通知error that error can be a real or not real error (programming/logical error). 该错误可以是真实错误,也可以不是真实错误 (编程/逻辑错误)。

Promises and exception handling are different, they are not same. 承诺和异常处理是不同的,它们是不同的。 In javascript promises give us a away to use . 在javascript中,promise让我们可以使用。 then to know when the function has completed its execution , it helps to know when async functions have completed its execution,and javascript also provides try/catch support as you know as that of java. 然后知道函数何时完成执行,有助于了解异步函数何时完成执行,并且javascript还提供了对java的try / catch支持。

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