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[英]Add third column to data frame based on values in two existing columns

I have a dataframe similar to this, where there are several observations for each state over 4 quarters.我有一个与此类似的数据框,其中每个州在 4 个季度内都有多个观察结果。

df <- data.frame(states=rep(c("AL","AR","FL","GA","LA","MS","NC","OK","SC","TN","TX"), times = 4),
qtr=rep(c(1,2,3,4), times = 11))

I now want to add a third column, where each state is assigned one value for qtr 1 and 2 and a different one for quarter 3 and 4. I want the result to look like this:我现在想添加第三列,其中每个状态为 qtr 1 和 2 分配一个值,为季度 3 和 4 分配一个不同的值。我希望结果如下所示:

state qtr unemp
AL    1   4.4
AL    2   4.4
AL    3   4.1
AL    4   4.1 
AR    1   3.7 
AR    2   3.7 
AR    3   3.9
AR    4   3.9

I hope the pattern is clear.我希望模式很清楚。 I tried this我试过这个

df$unemp <- ifelse(df$qtr <3 & df$states %in% "AL",4.4,4.1)

but I don't know how to add more arguments to it.但我不知道如何为其添加更多参数。 This only created the unemp column but not matching with the arguments.这仅创建了 unemp 列,但与参数不匹配。

As pointed in the comments, it's better to provide reproducible examples mimicking your data.正如评论中所指出的,最好提供模仿数据的可重现示例。 What you want to do is a join after some data manipulation (merge the first two qtr into a class, same for the two last).您想要做的是在一些数据操作之后进行连接(将前两个 qtr 合并到一个类中,最后两个相同)。

df <- data.frame(states=rep(c("AL","AR","FL","GA","LA","MS","NC","OK","SC","TN","TX"), times = 4),
                 qtr=rep(c(1,2,3,4), times = 11))

df <- df %>% arrange(states, qtr) # pure cosmetics
df <- df %>% mutate(sem=ifelse(qtr <= 2, 1, 2),    # merge the first two and the last two
                    key=paste0(states, "_", sem))  # create a joining key

states qtr sem  key
1     AL   1   1 AL_1
2     AL   2   1 AL_1
3     AL   3   2 AL_2
4     AL   4   2 AL_2
5     AR   1   1 AR_1
6     AR   2   1 AR_1

# recreate an external source
ext <- df %>% select(states, sem) %>% distinct()

set.seed(123) # for the sake of reproductibility
ext$unemp <- runif(nrow(ext)/2) # simulate some unemp rates
# you probably have something that looks like this:
states sem     unemp
1     AL   1 0.2875775
2     AL   2 0.7883051
3     AR   1 0.4089769
4     AR   2 0.8830174
5     FL   1 0.9404673
6     FL   2 0.0455565

# recreate a key column
ext <- mutate(ext, key=paste0(states, "_", sem))

# have a look at it
states sem     unemp  key
1     AL   1 0.2875775 AL_1
2     AL   2 0.7883051 AL_2
3     AR   1 0.4089769 AR_1
4     AR   2 0.8830174 AR_2
5     FL   1 0.9404673 FL_1
6     FL   2 0.0455565 FL_2

# left join and drop redundant columns
df2 <- left_join(df, ext, "key") %>% 
  transmute(states=states.x, qtr, unemp)

states qtr     unemp
1     AL   1 0.2875775
2     AL   2 0.2875775
3     AL   3 0.7883051
4     AL   4 0.7883051
5     AR   1 0.4089769
6     AR   2 0.4089769

Is that what you were looking for?这就是你要找的吗?

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