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[英]example.com/wp-login.php redirects me to example.com/example.com/wp-admin

I created a local website on my computer, and now I uploaded all the files to another host via SSH. 我在计算机上创建了一个本地网站,现在我通过SSH将所有文件上传到另一台主机。

I have two problems: 我有两个问题:

  1. When I connect to the example.com/wp-login.php page, it redirects me to example.com/example.com/wp-admin . 当我连接到example.com/wp-login.php页面时,它会将我重定向到example.com/example.com/wp-admin

  2. On example.com, when I touch to Login button, it redirects me to a page that says, " The requested URL /login/ was not found on this server. " 在example.com上,当我触摸“登录”按钮时,它会将我重定向到一个页面,该页面显示“ 在此服务器上找不到所请求的URL / login / ”。

The first time, I had a wp-loging.php page without style, but I fixed it. 第一次,我有一个没有样式的wp-loging.php页面,但我将其修复。

Can you please help me? 你能帮我么?

In the database please make sure the siteurl in wp_options table is correct. 在数据库中,请确保wp_options表中的siteurl正确。 Also, make sure that the config file doesnt have WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL defined incorrectly. 另外,请确保配置文件中WP_SITEURL正确定义WP_HOMEWP_SITEURL

If http:// or Https:// missing in front of example.com/wp-login.php then it will redirect to example.com/ + example.com/wp-login.php 如果 example.com/wp-login.php前面缺少http://或Https://,则它将重定向到example.com/ + example.com/wp-login.php

I f url start with no http ftp ... then browser think its a sub-page of this host. 从没有http ftp的URL开始...然后浏览器认为它是此主机的子页面

so if http missing on example.com/wp-login.php then add http:// Or you can remove example.com from example.com/wp-login.php and only use /wp-login.php 因此,如果example.com/wp-login.php上缺少http,则添加http://, 或者您可以从example.com/wp-login.php中删除example.com ,而仅使用/wp-login.php

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