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[英]How to deal with a stateful widget as a child for grid.tile

I am new to flutter. 我是新来的扑扑。 and I am trying to make an xo game. 我正在尝试制作xo游戏。 I am still on the very first steps of the app. 我仍处于应用程序的第一步。 I am using gridview.count to make the layout of the game. 我正在使用gridview.count来制作游戏的布局。 The problem is the properties of the stateful widget(choice, onTap()) is not defined in the gridview tile. 问题是有状态窗口小部件(choice,onTap())的属性未在gridview磁贴中定义。 This is my code 这是我的代码

return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Tic Tac Toe')),
        body: GridView.count(
          crossAxisCount: 3,
          crossAxisSpacing: 2.0,
          mainAxisSpacing: 2.0,
          children: List<Widget>.generate(
            (int index) {return new GridTile(

                    choice: _choice,
                    onTap: ()=>onTap(context),

and the class is: 该类是:

class GridCellState extends State<TicTacToe> {
  final String choice;
  final VoidCallback onTap;
   GridCellState({Key key, this.choice, this.onTap}) : 
  super(key: key);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return GestureDetector(
       child: Text(choice),

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

That is because you are wiring up the constructor in a wrong way, you do not construct the object from the State object, that is the job of the StatefulWidget is to construct the State object. 那是因为您以错误的方式连接了构造函数,而不是从State对象构造对象,所以StatefulWidget的工作就是构造State对象。 You construct an instance of a StatefulWidget called GridCell so GridCell needs to have the fields and the constructor moved to it. 您构造了一个名为GridCellStatefulWidget实例,因此GridCell需要将字段和构造函数移至该实例。

In short ,you need to move the GridCellState fields and constructor up to the StatefulWidget itself like this: 简而言之,您需要像这样将GridCellState字段和构造函数移至StatefulWidget本身:

class GridCell extends StatefulWidget {
  final String choice;
  final VoidCallback onTap;

  GridCell({Key key, this.choice, this.onTap}) : 
  super(key: key);

  GridCellState createState() {
    return new GridCellState();

and then use widget.fieldName from inside the State object to access any field in the StatefulWidget object, see I use widget.onTap and widget.choice to get fields data from my StatefulWidget above. 然后使用State对象中的widget.fieldName访问StatefulWidget对象中的任何字段,请参阅上面的我使用widget.onTapwidget.choice从我的StatefulWidget获取字段数据。

class GridCellState extends State<GridCell> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return GestureDetector(
       child: Text(widget.choice),

Alternatively, you can just convert your GridCell to a SatelessWidget instead, both approaches will solve your issue so it depends whether you need to keep the StatefulWidget or not. 或者,您可以只将GridCell转换为SatelessWidget ,这两种方法都可以解决您的问题,因此这取决于您是否需要保留StatefulWidget

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