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使用 $lookup 在 mongodb 中进行外部连接

[英]Outer join in mongodb using $lookup

I have a Channels collection我有一个频道集合

  channel: "Xamper",  //unique
  subscribers: [

And a Users collection和一个用户集合

  _id: ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
  name: "Bradman"
  _id: ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000001"),
  name: "Hartin"
  _id: ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000002"),
  name: "Migra"
  _id: ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000004"),
  name: "Polycor"

Now I need to find with Channel name "Xamper" and count the users which are not in subscribers array现在我需要找到频道名称"Xamper"并计算不在subscribers数组中的subscribers

So the output will be所以输出将是

  channel: "Xamper",
  unSubscribers: 1

Which is similar to the outer excluding join of SQL类似于 SQL 的外部排除连接


You can use below pipeline in 3.6.您可以在 3.6 中使用以下管道。

$lookup with pipeline to join the Channels collection to Users collection on subscribers $lookup使用管道将 Channels 集合加入到订阅者的 Users 集合中

$count with $not $in to compare the subscribers against each id in the Users collection and output the no of matched documents. $count$not $in将订阅者与用户集合中的每个 id 进行比较,并输出匹配文档的数量。

$project to project the output fields. $project投影输出字段。

  { "$lookup":  {
    "from": "Users",
    "let": { "subscribers": "$subscribers" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": { "$expr": { "$not": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$subscribers" ] }}}},
      { "$count": "count" }
    "as": "lookupresult"
  { "$project": {
    "channel":  1,
    "unSubscribers": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$lookupresult.count", 0 ] }

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