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Laravel路线上的怪异白屏(“ /”)

[英]Weird White Screen on Laravel Routes (“/”)

From the title itself, I have a weird Laravel bug. 从标题本身来看,我有一个奇怪的Laravel错误。 I have test page for my home page which has a route name of "main". 我的首页有测试页,其路由名称为“ main”。 It works perfectly fine. 它工作得很好。 However, when I tried to change it from route::get("main") to route::get("/") I end up with a white page. 但是,当我尝试将其从route :: get(“ main”)更改为route :: get(“ /”)时,我得到了一张白页。 No errors, when I view source, no code or whatsoever. 在查看源代码,代码或任何内容时都没有错误。 I am running Laravel 5.6 我正在运行Laravel 5.6

// Landing Page actual Route
// White Page 

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('templates.landing-blank');

// Landing Page
// Works Perfectly.

Route::get('main', function() {
    return view('templates.landing-blank');

Is this something related to htaccess? 这和htaccess有关吗? I already doubled checked everything and copied the htaccess but still no avail. 我已经仔细检查了所有内容并复制了htaccess,但仍然无济于事。 I also did a composer update and the problems still persist. 我也做了作曲家更新,问题仍然存在。

The first parameter of the Route::get should be the the url path to access the page, so "main" would be accessed by example.com/main and "/" would be just example.com . 在第一个参数Route::get应该访问的页面的URL路径,所以“主”会被访问example.com/main和“/”将只是example.com Could that be the problem? 这可能是问题吗?

Can you go to .env and change the label APP_DEBUG to " true "? 您可以转到.env并将标签APP_DEBUG更改为“ true ”吗? Maybe you can see the error. 也许您可以看到错误。

And I think you need to add a "/" to the "main" route. 而且我认为您需要在“主要”路线上添加“ /”。 Like that: 像那样:

Route::get('/main', function() {
    return view('templates.landing-blank');

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