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Google Cloud ML引擎scikit学习预测概率'predict_proba()'

[英]Google Cloud ML-engine scikit-learn prediction probability 'predict_proba()'

Google Cloud ML-engine supports the ability to deploy scikit-learn Pipeline objects. Google Cloud ML引擎支持部署scikit-learn Pipeline对象的功能。 For example a text classification Pipeline could look like the following, 例如,文本分类Pipeline可能如下所示,

classifier = Pipeline([
('vect', CountVectorizer()), 
('clf', naive_bayes.MultinomialNB())])

The classifier can be trained, 可以训练分类器,

classifier.fit(train_x, train_y)

Then the classifier can be uploaded to Google Cloud Storage, 然后可以将分类器上传到Google Cloud Storage,

model = 'model.joblib'
joblib.dump(classifier, model)
model_remote_path = os.path.join('gs://', bucket_name, datetime.datetime.now().strftime('model_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'), model)
subprocess.check_call(['gsutil', 'cp', model, model_remote_path], stderr=sys.stdout)

Then a Model and Version can be created, either through the Google Cloud Console , or programmatically , linking the 'model.joblib' file to the Version . 然后,可以通过Google Cloud Console或以编程方式'model.joblib'文件链接到Version来创建ModelVersion

This classifier can then be used to predict new data by calling the deployed model predict endpoint, 然后,该分类器可用于通过调用已部署的模型predict端点来预测新数据,

ml = discovery.build('ml','v1')
project_id = 'projects/{}/models/{}'.format(project_name, model_name)
if version_name is not None:
    project_id += '/versions/{}'.format(version_name)
request_dict = {'instances':['Test data']}
ml_request = ml.projects().predict(name=project_id, body=request_dict).execute()

The Google Cloud ML-engine calls the predict function of the classifier and returns the predicted class. Google Cloud ML引擎调用分类器的predict函数并返回预测的类。 However, I would like to be able to return the confidence score. 但是,我希望能够返回置信度分数。 Normally this could be achieved by calling the predict_proba function of the classier, however there doesn't seem to be the option to change the called function. 通常,这可以通过调用分类器的predict_proba函数来实现,但是似乎没有选择来更改被调用函数。 My question is: Is it possible to return the confidence score for a scikit-learn classifier when using the Google Cloud ML-engine? 我的问题是:使用Google Cloud ML引擎时,是否可以返回scikit学习分类器的置信度分数? If not, would you have any recommendations as to how else to achieve this result? 如果没有,您对其他如何获得此结果有什么建议?

Update: I've found a hacky solution. 更新:我发现了一个hacky解决方案。 It involved overwriting the predict function of the classifier with its own predict_proba function, 它涉及到用自己的predict_proba函数覆盖分类器的predict函数,

nb = naive_bayes.MultinomialNB()
nb.predict = nb.predict_proba
classifier = Pipeline([
('vect', CountVectorizer()), 
('clf', nb)])

Surprisingly this works. 出人意料的是,这可行。 If anyone knows of a neater solution then please let me know. 如果有人知道更整洁的解决方案,请告诉我。

Update: Google have released a new feature (currently in beta) called Custom prediction routines . 更新: Google发布了一项名为“ Custom prediction routines的新功能(当前为Beta)。 This allows you to define what code is run when a prediction request comes in. It adds more code to the solution, but it certainly less hacky. 这使您可以定义在出现预测请求时运行什么代码。它为解决方案添加了更多代码,但肯定没有那么多hacky。

The ML Engine API you are using, only has the predict method, as you can see in the documentation , so it will only do the prediction (unless you force it to do something else with the hack you mentioned). 正如您在文档中所看到的那样,您所使用的ML Engine API仅具有预测方法,因此它将仅进行预测(除非您强迫它对您提到的hack进行其他操作)。

If you want to do something else with your trained model, you'll have to load it and use it normally. 如果您想对训练后的模型进行其他操作,则必须加载并正常使用。 If you want to use the model stored in Cloud Storage you can do something like: 如果要使用存储在云存储中的模型,可以执行以下操作:

from google.cloud import storage
from sklearn.externals import joblib

bucket_name = "<BUCKET_NAME>"
gs_model = "path/to/model.joblib"  # path in your Cloud Storage bucket
local_model = "/path/to/model.joblib"  # path in your local machine

client = storage.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(gs_model)

model = joblib.load(local_model)

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