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[英]How to copy npm package files to my local project?

It could be a duplicate question, but I could not find the answer I wanted, no matter how I tried to find it. 它可能是一个重复的问题,但是无论我如何尝试都找不到我想要的答案。 So, I ask. 所以,我问。

What I wanted: 我想要的是:

Move the file in node_modules to my project, so that I can use it while editing the file 将node_modules中的文件移动到我的项目中,以便在编辑文件时可以使用它


First try: 第一次尝试:

Moved the file I wanted to edit And only modify the import path for that file 移动了我要编辑的文件,仅修改了该文件的导入路径 在此处输入图片说明 在此处输入图片说明

result: 结果:


weird: 奇怪的:

All modified paths are correct 所有修改的路径均正确

ie I can move to that imported file through that path in the IDE. 即我可以通过IDE中的该路径移动到该导入的文件。


Example repo: 回购示例:

https://github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal1 Especially: https://github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal1/src/components/editableText https://github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal1特别是: https : //github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal1/src/components/editableText

Second try: 第二次尝试:

I moved all of the files imported as well as the file I want to modify, into the project. 我将所有导入的文件以及要修改的文件都移到了项目中。


result: 结果:



My opinion: It seems to be related to Typescript or commonjs. 我的看法:它似乎与Typescript或commonjs有关。 But I do not know how to make it work. 但是我不知道如何使它工作。

Example repo: https://github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal2 Especially: https://github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal2/src/components/list/editableText/components/editable-text 回购示例: https : //github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal2特别是: https : //github.com/YahngSungho/dfsfdsfsfdsfwfsd/tree/help/npmToLocal2/src/components/list/editableText/components/可编辑文字

If anyone knows how to solve the problem, I would be very grateful. 如果有人知道如何解决问题,我将不胜感激。

Here are a few options for you: 以下是您的一些选择:

Solution 1: You could manually monkey-patch the module in question: 解决方案1:您可以手动猴子修补有问题的模块:

Here is how to do it (general approach): 这是操作方法(一般方法):

Create a new file named ModifiedEditableText.tsx 创建一个名为ModifiedEditableText.tsx的新文件

Then in that file: 然后在该文件中:

import { EditableText } from "@blueprintjs/core";

const newModule = {};

// First, copy over all the fields from the original module
for (let fieldName in EditableText) {
    newModule[fieldName] = EditableText[fieldName];

// Then write new implementations of any function you want to change
newModule.function1 = function(arg, arg2, arg3) {
    // new function implementation
    // To call the original function do:

export default newModule;

Solution 2: Fork the module, do your change, submit a PR and hope that it is merged (probably not gonna happen) 解决方案2:分叉模块,进行更改,提交PR,并希望将其合并(可能不会发生)

Solution 3: Fork the module, do your change(s) and import that module in your code instead of the official library 解决方案3:分叉模块,进行更改,然后将该模块导入代码中,而不是官方库中

Solution 4: Use a library to monkey patch your component, here are some examples of such libraries: 解决方案4:使用库来修补您的组件,以下是此类库的一些示例:

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